Ionic:Hybrid Mobile App Development

$http services

In web technologies, the best way to interact with any web service is through Ajax requests. As Ionic Framework is a Hybrid Mobile framework based on web technologies, it utilizes the power of Ajax to wire up Ionic Apps with any web services.

$http is an in-built Angular service that is used as an abstraction for native JavaScript Ajax calls. The $http service has some high-level methods exposed to make HTTP requests using different HTTP methods such as POST, GET, PUT, and so on.

There are different signatures for different methods, but the response for all the methods is exactly the same. All the methods in the $http service are based on the promise objects, which help in registering success and error callbacks that receive data at a later point in time as these requests are asynchronous in nature.

The two most important methods are .get and .post whose usage is as follows:

  // this is success callback
},function(errorResponse) {
  // this is error callback

The GET request method takes only one argument, the URL for the request, and registers two callbacks with the method of the promise object returned:

$'/api/url/resource',{data:'custom data'})
  // this is success callback
},function(errorResponse) {
  // this is error callback

The POST request method takes two arguments, the URL for the request and the data to be sent in the body of the post request.

The other methods available that have a signature exactly like the GET method are as follows:

  • $http.put
  • $http.head
  • $http.delete
  • $http.jsonp
  • $http.patch

There are default headers sent along with each HTTP request. Some web services require us to send custom headers for authorization or content-type for which the $http service exposes a provider to set custom default headers. We can use the provider to set up default headers in the config phase of the Ionic App. We can also use the $http object to set default headers in the run block or any controller/service:

module.config(function($http) {
  $http.defaults.headers.common.Content-Type = 'application/json';
});$http) {
  $ = 'Basic sdkJKHSmd' });

The response object

The response object passed as an argument to the callback functions contains the following properties:

The response object can be used to extract the data sent by the server and process it.

The $http constructor method

Another way to make an Ajax request is by using the $http constructor method and passing the request configuration object directly. For example:

var req = {
  method: 'POST',
  url: '/api/url/resource',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'plain/text'
  data: { objectName: 'Value' },
  cache: true
$http(req).then(function(){...}, function(){...});

The $http service also supports caching by passing the cache property to the configuration object and setting it to true. Angular stores the response temporarily to the $cacheFactory object and serves the same request with a response from there.