Ionic:Hybrid Mobile App Development

Chapter 6. Integrating App with Backend Services

Mobile Apps are incomplete without data, and the data on the mobile is not enough. We have learnt to start Mobile App projects and create complex views with different components. In this chapter we will learn how to integrate our Ionic Apps with web services to fetch and submit data. Use cases involving data exchange for Mobile Apps include central user authentication/authorization, saving your personalization data, storing images, searching public datasets, storing transactions, and so on. Mobile Apps have become a major source for collaboration and require strong integration to robust backend services to support communication and real-time messaging.

Here, we will first learn about the low-level constructs available in Angular/Ionic to integrate into any web service conforming to JSON/REST standards. There is also another object available that maps to REST entities directly, helping to shorten the integration development effort and time. The topics that will be discussed in this chapter are as follows:

  • $http services
  • Ionic services versus factories
  • $resource and REST API
  • Demystifying mBaaS
  • Integrating with Parse
  • Integrating with Firebase

Mobile Apps become meaningful with data, and to empower our Ionic Apps with data we need to have strong backend servers or APIs. We will discuss some cloud-based backends as a service solution, which are super easy to use with our Ionic Apps with minimal effort.