陈述句 |
疑问句 |
(1)I am a boy. |
Am I a boy? |
(2)Mary has a bicycle. |
Has Mary a bicycle? Does Mary have a bicycle?(美) |
(3)He went to Boston yesterday. |
Did he go to Boston yesterday? |
(4)John can speak English. |
Can John speak English? |
(5)There are two girls in the room. |
Are there two girls in the room? |
(6)Here is a house. |
Is here a house? |
例(1)(2)仅限于 be 和 have 两动词,即它们不需助动词,但在 have 的场合,美国人常用助动词 do 来构成疑问句,又 dare、need、used 等亦不需用 do。
例(3)表示凡无助动词的句子变为疑问句时,必须用助动词 do。
例(5)和(6)表示 there 和 here 虽非主语,但在疑问句时,仍将动词放在它们之前。
1. 主语为疑问代词,或为疑问形容词所修饰时,则句法与陈述句者同,只加一问号(?)于句尾即可。
例:Who made that voice?
How many pieces are left?
2. 但在疑问副词(why、when、what time,etc)的场合,则主语和动词的位置仍须颠倒,而将疑问副词放在句首。
例:Why(when、what time,etc)did John go to school?
注意:1. 否定陈述句改为问句时,通例将动词放在主语前即可,但也有将 not 随动词置于主语之前者,在此等场合,最好用缩短形,如 Didn’t、Haven’t、Aren’t 等。
I did not read much. →Didn’t I read much?Did I not read much?
Jack is not ill. →Is not(Isn’t)Jack ill?Is Jack not ill?
2. have 用为“吃、学习”等意时,则概用 do 来作成疑问句。
例:Do you have dinner at seven?Does Bessie have any lessons in the afternoon?
A. 将下列句子改为问句:
1. This man weighs more than that one.
2. You usually wear a coat.
3. A box of matches costs a cent.
4. Ants lay eggs.
5. Trees lives for thousands of years.
6. A coolie earns a lot of money.
7. Wasps make honey.
8. He takes the letters to the post office every day.
9. The sun shines everywhere each day.
10. We like lemonade.
11. This seat is made of leather.
12. These machines are driven by steam.
13. Flowers are grown in these fields.
14. I am often punished.
15. There are twelve months in a year.
16. John has left for Chicago.
17. This book belongs to her.
18. I think it is going to rain.
19. He drives to work every day.
20. Their class meets on the tenth floor.
21. The prisoner told the truth.
22. She dressed herself in her best clothes.
23. The sun shone brightly this morning.
24. The gardener threw a stone at the dog.
25. The soldiers fought well.
26. The boy laughed at them and thought he was very witty.
27. The servant put the lamp on the table.
28. The wind blew very hard last night.
29. The plate was broken to pieces.
30. The doctor came to see him yesterday.
B. 将下列句子依例改为问句:
例:He isn’t studying English now.
a. Isn’t he studying English now?
b. Why isn’t he studying English now?
1. William isn’t taking English lessons now.
2. Helen won’t be in class tomorrow.
3. She won’t be here on Thursday either.
4. He did not take his examination yesterday.
5. Mary does not like to study in the morning.
6. She didn’t attend the lesson this morning.
7. They don’t like to come to class so early.
8. They aren’t going to the movies tonight.
9. Mr. Smith did not come to class yesterday.
10. He will not be here on Sunday.
11. He doesn’t like to read aloud.
12. John hasn’t delivered the mail yet.
13. She does not like New York.
14. I did not study my lessons last night.
15. Marry never comes to class on time.
16. I didn’t bring my copybook with me.
17. John isn’t making goody progress.
18. John and Mary are not going to Washington.
19. Robert doesn’t eat breakfast in the cafeteria.
20. You did not speak to him this morning.
21. Mary wasn’t promoted to the next class.
22. There are not 20 persons in the house.
23. The book is not in the drawer.
24. They did not go for a walk in the park.
C. 将下列问句改为陈述句(Declarative Sentence):
1. Have you found that kind of plant which grows in sand?
2. Did he see the event that he has described so well?
3. Does he like the scent of the rose as much as the flower?
4. Will they remain much longer in this lovely place?
5. In hot countries do men chiefly wear cotton garments?
6. Did the shepherd drive away the wolf from the flock?
7. Did he shear as many as ten sheep yesterday?
8. Will she wear the same dress that she wore before?
9. Did he write those splendid lines that I have just heard?
10. Does an elephant live for a hundred years?
11. Is an elephant the largest of all land-animals?
12. Does this seem to be fit reward for all your work?
13. Could he have done all this without assistance?
14. Did not the shepherd say that the sheep had strayed?
15. Should he not take his place among the rest?
16. Must we really start at this early hour?
17. Did he stand all day in the open air?
18. Does the sun rise at six in the season of the year?
19. Did she awake and get up when she was called?
20. Did you see by chance someone passing this way?