(1)人称和数(Person and Number)
1. 动词的人称和数必须与其主语(Subject)一致,即主语为单数时,动词也必须是单数,例如:The girl smiles. 主语为复数时,动词也必须是复数,例如:“The girls smile. ”。
一切名词都为第三人称(the third person),人称代词除 I、we(第一人称)、(thou)、you(第二人称)之外,亦概为第三人称。动词的人称,必须与主语一致;故 I、we、you 以外的一切主语,其动词概为第三人称。
thou 本为第二人称单数,但现在普遍不用了;现在即使指的只是一个人也用 you,而其动词亦用复数,如:You、my boy、are playing too much.
A. 将下列句中之 is、am 改为复数(注意其主语亦必须改):
1. He is here.
2. The gate is locked.
3. I am very tired.
4. Where is he going?
5. I am very sorry for it.
6. My book is lost.
7. The fish is swimming.
8. My foot is sore.
9. My tooth is aching.
10. The child is happy.
B. 将 was 改为复数:
1. A sheep was grazing here.
2. That was a cool valley.
3. The child was asleep.
4. The egg was cracked.
5. When was I admitted?
6. How old was he?
7. A deer was in the wood.
8. A goose was standing there.
9. There was no proof.
10. A wolf was seen there.
C. 将 are 改为单数:
1. The loaves are baked.
2. The rats are caught.
3. No boxes are here.
4. Where are the boxes?
5. Flies are very harmful.
6. We are very tired.
7. The oxen are resting.
8. Why are they so careless?
9. We are fond of play.
10. Birds are roosting.
D. 将 were 改为单数:
1. Some men were hurt.
2. Were the thieves caught?
3. The horses’ tails were cut.
4. These mice were caught.
5. The geese were not found.
6. The ponies were sent away.
7. The loaves were served up.
8. The ladies were seated.
9. There were five girls in this class.
10. Here were the houses.
E. 将 have、has 改为复数:
1. He has long been gone.
2. Have I seen you before?
3. Has the cat been found?
4. The thief has been caught.
5. I have done my best.
6. The glass has been broken.
7. The roof has been mended.
8. The loaf has been cut.
9. The wolf has been shot.
10. The mouse has run away.
F. 将 have 改为单数:
1. The geese have been found.
2. My teeth have been aching.
3. His sons have left him.
4. We have left school.
5. The oxen have come back.
6. We have arrived.
7. The deer have fled.
8. The birds have flown.
9. The sheep have been lost.
10. My feet have been in pain.
G. 将 do、does 改为复数:
1. I do not like him.
2. He does not like me.
3. Does the boy work hard?
4. The boy does not know me.
5. A goose does not fly.
6. Does my friend know me?
7. Does the fire burn well?
8. He does not learn much.
9. Does he keep a dog?
10. The man does not work.
H. 将 do 改为单数:
1. We do not go today.
2. Do they keep a horse?
3. They keep a horse;so do we.
4. We do not understand you.
5. They do not go to school.
6. Do they wish to see me?
7. Wolves do not come here.
8. Our cows do not thrive.
9. We do not see you often.
10. We do not want your help.
2. 两个单数主语用 and 连接起来时,则动词为复数;但两主语之前若有 each、every 时,则动词用单数:
例:Time and tide wait for no man.
James and I were both absent.
Each plant and each animal has its own parasite.
Every word and every phrase is indispensible to this sentence.
例:Truth and honesty is best policy.
The poet and statesman is dead.
This carriage and pair costs four hundred pounds.
注:上第二例若为 The poet and the statesman,由于重复使用冠词之故,则表示 The poet 和 the statesman 为两个不同的人,然则动词须为复数。
例:The statesman and the poet are dead.
用 is、am 或 are;has 或 have;was 或 were;do 或 does 填入空白处:
1. Bread and butter____a good kind of food at tea-time.
2. A woman and a child____standing by the door.
3. A time of peace and plenty____coming to all of us.
4. The black and the white kitten____dead.
5. You and he____late for school today;why____that?
6. The black and white kitten____asleep.
7. Snow mixed with rain____falling,when I started.
8. James and I____had a long walk today in the fields.
9. The sum and substance of all he says____no effect.
10. A bay and a grey horse____just been bought.
11. The cat and the dog____long been good friends.
12. The horse and its rider____not seem to be tired.
13. A short and unbound book____not cost much.
14. A bunch of roses____not satisfy him.
15. Bread and cheese____not suit his taste.
16. Potatoes____not grow well in heavy soil.
17. The cow and her calf____not belong to me.
18. My pen____been lost;____you seen it?
19. Youth and experience____not exist together.
20. The best painter and poet of this century____lately died.
21. A needle and thread____found on the floor.
22. Trial and error____the source of our knowledge.
23. Romeo and Juliet____one of his favorite plays.
3. 两单数主语由 or、nor 连接时,即由 either...or 或 neither...nor 连接时,动词为单数:
例:Either James or John is to be promoted.
Neither James nor John is to be promoted.
例:Neither he nor his parents were present.
例:Either James or I am to get the prize.
Either you or James is to get the prize.
将 is、am 或 are;was 或 were;has 或 have;do 或 does 填入空白处。
1. That cloud shows that snow or rain____about to fall.
2. Neither the cock nor the hens____in the yard.
3. By what time____your father or you decided to go?
4. One or two apples____been picked ripe.
5. Neither the man nor his wife____much work.
6. Neither moon nor stars____visible in this dark night.
7. To what place____the man or his son wish to go?
8. Neither the master nor his pupils____idle.
9. Neither he nor you____heard this before.
10. No girl or boy____allowed to play in school.
11. Either the boy or I____to be blamed for this.
12. Neither you nor he____the work required.
13. Neither my partner nor I____ever seen you before.
14. Either he or you____to blame;perhaps both of you.
4. 两个单数的主语为 as well as 连接时,动词用单数。
例:A box as well as a book has been lost.
例:My partners as well as I were ruined.
I as well as they am tired of this work.
将 is、am 或 are;was 或 were;has 或 have;do 或 does 填入空白处。
1. The horse as well as the rider____hurt by the fall.
2. This horse as well as that____for sale,which will you have?
3. James as well as I____won a prize this term.
4. I myself as well as James____won a prize this term.
5. Beauty as well as wealth____fallen to her lot in life.
6. The cock as well as the hens____calling for food.
7. The hens as well as the cock____calling for food.
8. A garden as well as a stable____attached to the house.
9. A garden as well as stables____attached to the house.
10. Stables as well as a garden____attached to the house.
11. Her good looks as well as her voice____much admired.
12. John as well as his friends____present on that day.
13. The moon as well as the stars____shining brightly.
14. He as well as you____to be blamed for this.
15. The pupils as well as the master____worked hard.
16. My father as well as I____a stranger in this place.
17. A horse as well as cows____needed for this farm.
18. The keeper as well as the cows____drenched with rain.
5. 两个单数的主语为 not only... but(also)连接时,动词用单数:
例:Not only England,but all the world feels the loss.
例:Not only he,but his servants were blamed for that.
将 is 或 are,has 或 have,was 或 were,do 或 does 填入空白处:
1. Not only silver,but gold____dug in this country.
2. Not only my sister,but I myself____much surprised.
3. Not only my sister,but my brothers____been invited.
4. Not only the Thames,but the Severn____frozen over.
5. Not only cows,but a horse____grazing in that field.
6. Not only a horse,but cows____grazing in that field.
7. Not only elm-trees,but ivy____growing well here.
8. Not only I,but my children____been disappointed.
9. Not only hope,but confidence____been restored.
10. Not only bread,but tea and buns____provided.
6. 单数集体名词(Collective Noun)为主语时,其动词有单复两者:
a. 就团体全体言时,动词用单数。
b. 就构成团体的个别分子而言时,动词用复数。
例:His family is a large one.
His family are all well.
用 is 或 are,was 或 were,has 或 have,does 或 do 填入空白处:
1. All the audience____satisfied.
2. That fleet____not consist of more than ten ships.
3. Your pack of hounds____larger than mine.
4. The pack____scattered about in various places.
5. The people____much amused at that sight.
6. That gang of seven thieves____been broken up.
7. The gang____nearly all caught:only two escaped.
8. The choir____not contain more than ten choristers.
9. The choir____all here and____taken their usual seats.
10. The audience____too large for a hall of that size.
11. The company____so excited that they rose from their seats.
12. The A. B. C. Company____formed a few years ago.
13. The cattle____out grazing in the field.
14. The fourth class with few exceptions____done well.
15. The class____too large to be taught by one man.
16. The poultry____much mischief among flowers.
17. The gentry of this place____not like dirty roads.
18. The mass of mankind____much influenced by their surroundings.
19. The crew____not consist of more than twenty sailors.
20. The crew____standing in different parts of the ship.
21. The jury____divided in their opinions.
22. The jury____not consist of more than twelve persons.
7. 特别应注意事项:
a. 形式上为复数的名词,而动词应用单数者:
1. 凡有“-ics”为语尾的学科名词如 ethics、physics 等。
2. 其他如 news、means、tidings、measles、gallows、innings 等。
3. 看作一个概括的观念时:
Ten years was too long a time to her.(十年的期间)
Forty miles is a good distance.(四十里的距离)
4. 国名,书名等:
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is an interesting book.
The United States is a republic.
b. number、variety:虽然形式是单数,但用为复数之意时,则动词用复数:
A great variety of articles were sold.(因被卖者不是 variety,而是 articles of various kinds[各种的货物])
A large number of them were present.(因在场者不是数[number]而是 they who made the number[构成数目的人们])但此二词用为单数的意时,则动词仍为单数:
The number of workman is small.
Variety of scene pleases the eye.
c. half、part、rest. 用于量(quantity)时动词用单数,用于数时,动词用复数:
Part of my work was done.
About half of the passengers are missing.
The rest of the money was spent then and there.
The rest of the children were killed.
d. none 为 no one 结合起来的,不应用单数,但其后若用复数名词或代词时,则动词应为复数:
None of them have come.
e. each、every;either、neither 动词概为单数:
Each (man)of them was present.
Neither of these men was wanted.
Every bush and every tree was in bud.
a. 动词的人称和数与主语不一致者,改正之:
1. You was rather late in coming to school today,wasn’t you?
2. Good news have come today;the enemy’s troops are beaten.
3. Neither reward nor punishment are to be expected from him.
4. A carrier with his horse and dog have just entered the yard.
5. Every man and every horse were urgently needed.
6. Are either of these horses yours?No,neither of them are.
7. Not a word of these lectures were read out from a book.
8. None of the men selected was found fit for that purpose.
9. A large number of cattle is grazing in that field.
10. The audience was not agreed on that point.
11. The carriage and the horse is both worth a good deal.
12. When pain or grief attacks us,we know true friends from false.
13. The poultry in our yard is picking up seed.
14. There’s four or five persons coming over today.
15. A white and a grey rabbit has run across the field.
16. There’s as many as fifty sheep grazing on this moor.
17. The poet and the painter that lived here are dead.
18. Either James or you is sure to win the first prize.
19. My box as well as my book have been taken away.
20. The sum of twenty shillings a week were paid to him.
21. A garden full of flowers look very beautiful.
22. They,and not he,has to pay the fine.
23. Both are clear writers;neither of them make mistakes.
24. Every man of the boat’s crew except two were taken ill.
25. A large number of men has come asking for work.
26. To write well,to speak well,or to act well are difficult.
27. Energy and hopefulness,like faith,removes mountains.
28. Each and all of them was shocked at what they heard.
29. Nothing but rain and clouds were seen on that day.
30. The sum and substance of the matter were that he was wrong.
b. 用 is 或 are,was 或 were,has 或 have,does 或 do 填入空白处:
1. The number of new members____risen from ten to fifteen.
2. Everyman who saw that____expected to give evidence.
3. Either wine or beer____less refreshing than pure water.
4. A man and his wife____about to take the house opposite.
5. A cat with two kittens____making much noise in the night.
6. Each of my brothers____made a good start in life.
7. There____still ten people asking for tickets:____we any left?
8. Some people____not like being told,when they are wrong.
9. The taste of these apples and pears____excellent:buy some.
10. A number of boys____come to see the cricket match.
11. The number of boys present____about fifty.
12. The apples on every tree____now ripe enough to be picked.
13. Either the farmer or his men____not understand their work.
14. Either you or he____to be dismissed tomorrow.
15. A large quantity of fruit of various kinds____been bought.
16. A red and white handkerchief____found in my drawer.
17. A red and a white handkerchief____found in my drawer.
18. That woman with a child in her arms____in need of help.
19. Industry,not ability,____the secret of success.
20. The band of musicians____all here,ready to begin.
21. The black and white kitten____a great favorite in the house.
22. The black and the white kitten____been given away to a neighbour.
23. The farmer as well as the laborers____hard at work.
24. Not only the farmer,but the laborers____hard at work.
25. Neither my son nor I____pleased with this climate.
26. Either of these books____well worth buying and reading.
27. The number of spectators____not less than four thousand.
28. A bunch of grapes as well as two apples____given him.
29. The committee____divided in their opinions.
30. The Tales of a Grandfather ____one of Scott’s novels.
31. Thirty dollars a week____good pay for a laborer.
32. A large number of waggons____captured.
33. The number of student in this class____too large.
34. None of the prisoners____released on that day.
35. The audience____much pleased with her singing.
36. The cattle____grazing in the field.
37. The great orator and statesman____dead.
38. There____about sixty students in this school.
39. Either he or his friends____to be invited.
40. Either his friends____to be invited,or he____