

AES  Acute encephalitis syndrome  急性脑炎综合征

AFP  Acute flaccid paralysis  急性弛缓性麻痹

ALT  Alanine aminotransferase(test of liver function)  丙氨酸氨基转移酶(肝功能试验)

AMR  Antimicrobial resistance  抗生素耐药性

AMRO  World Health Organization Regional Office for the Americas  世界卫生组织美洲地区办事处

ANC  Antenatal care  产前保健

ARFO  World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa  世界卫生组织非洲地区办事处

ATS  Antitoxin tetanus serum  破伤风抗毒素血清

aVDPV  Ambiguous vaccine-derived poliovirus  不确定的疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒

BAP  Blood agar plates  血液琼脂平板

BMI  Body mass index(obesity measure)  身体质量指数(肥胖指标)

bOPV  Bivalent oral polio vaccine  二价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗

CAP  Chocolate agar plates  巧克力琼脂平板

CBS  Community-based surveillance  基于社区的监测

CFR  Case fatality ratio  病死率

CLIA  Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments  美国临床实验室改进法案修正案

CRI  Congenital rubella infection  先天性风疹感染

CRS  Congenital rubella syndrome  先天性风疹综合征

CSF  Cerebrospinal fluid  脑脊液

CSTE  U. S. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists  美国州和领地流行病学专家委员会

cVDPV  Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus  循环的疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒

CVS  Congenital varicella syndrome  先天性水痘综合征

CVV  Candidate vaccine viruses  候选疫苗病毒

DAE  Double-antigen ELISA  双抗原酶联免疫吸附试验

DAT  Diphtheria antitoxin  白喉抗毒素

DBS  Dried blood spot  干血斑

DENV  Dengue virus  登革病毒

DFA  Direct fluorescent antibody staining  直接荧光抗体染色法

DHS  Demographic Health Survey  人口与健康调查

DTaP  Diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine  白喉-破伤风-无细胞百日咳疫苗

DTP3  Third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine  白喉-破伤风-百日咳疫苗第3剂

EBS  Event-based surveillance  基于事件的监测

EIA  Enzyme immunoassay  酶免疫法

ELISA  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay  酶联免疫吸附试验

EMRO  World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean  世界卫生组织东地中海地区办事处

EPI  Expanded Programme on Immunizations  扩大免疫规划

EQA  External quality assurance  外部质量保证

EWARN  Early Warning and Response Network  早期预警和应对网络

GISRS  Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System  全球流感监测和应对系统

GLASS  Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System  全球抗生素耐药性监测系统

GMRLN  Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network  全球麻疹和风疹实验室网络

GPEI  Global Polio Eradication Initiative  全球根除脊髓灰质炎倡议

GPLN  Global Polio Laboratory Network  全球脊髓灰质炎实验室网络

GSL  Global specialized laboratory  全球专业实验室

HA  Haemagglutination assay  血凝试验

HAV  Hepatitis A virus  甲型肝炎病毒

HBIG  Hepatitis B immunoglobulin  乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白

HBV  Hepatitis B virus  乙型肝炎病毒

Hib  Haemophilus influenzae type b  流感嗜血杆菌b型

HIS  Health information system  卫生信息系统

HIV  Human immunodeficiency virus  人类免疫缺陷病毒

HMIS  Health Management Information System  卫生管理信息系统

HPV  Human papillomavirus  人乳头瘤病毒

HZ  Herpes zoster virus  带状疱疹病毒

IBD  Invasive bacterial disease  侵袭性细菌性疾病

IB-VPD  Invasive bacterial vaccine-preventable disease  侵袭性细菌性疫苗可预防疾病

ICU  Intensive care unit  重症监护病房

IDSR  Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response  综合性疾病监测和应对

IFA  Immunofluorescence assay  免疫荧光法

IgA  Immunoglobulin A  免疫球蛋白A

IgG  Immunoglobulin G  免疫球蛋白G

IgM  Immunoglobulin M  免疫球蛋白M

IHR  International Health Regulations  国际卫生条例

IIV  Inactivated influenza vaccine  灭活流感疫苗

ILI  Influenza-like illness  流感样疾病

IMCI  Integrated Management of Childhood Illness  儿童疾病综合管理

IMD  Invasive meningococcal disease  侵袭性脑膜炎球菌性疾病

iNTS  Invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis  侵袭性非伤寒沙门菌疾病

IPD  Invasive pneumococcal disease  侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病

IPV  Inactivated polio vaccine  灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗

ISO  International Organization for Standardization  国际标准化组织

iVDPV  Immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived poliovirus  免疫缺陷相关的疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒

IVIG  Intravenous immune globulin  静注免疫球蛋白

JE  Japanese encephalitis  流行性乙型脑炎

JRF  Joint Reporting Form  联合报告表

LAIV  Live attenuated influenza vaccine  流感减毒活疫苗

LAMP  Loop-mediated isothermal amplification  环介导等温扩增技术

LAT  Latex agglutination testing  乳胶凝集试验

M & E  Monitoring and Evaluation  监督和评价

MCV  Measles antigen-containing vaccine  含麻疹抗原组分疫苗

MCV4 Meningococcal conjugate vaccine(quadravalent)  4价脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗

MDSR  Maternal death surveillance and response  产妇死亡监测和应对

ME  Meningoencephalitis  脑膜脑炎

MenB  Serogroup B meningococcal vaccine  脑膜炎球菌血清群B疫苗

MICS  Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey  多指标群组调查

MMR  Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine  麻疹-流行性腮腺炎-风疹疫苗

MMRV  Measles,mumps,rubella and varicella vaccine  麻疹-流行性腮腺炎-风疹-水痘疫苗

MNT  Maternal and neonatal tetanus  产妇和新生儿破伤风

MNTE  Maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination  消除产妇和新生儿破伤风

MOH  Ministry of Health  卫生部

mOPV  Monovalent oral polio vaccine  单价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗

MR  Measles and rubella vaccine  麻疹和风疹疫苗

MSM  Men who have sex with men  男男性行为

NCC  National Certification Committee(for polio eradication)  国家根除脊髓灰质炎认证委员会

NGO  Non-governmental organization  非政府组织

NIC  National Influenza Centres  国家流感中心

NL  National laboratory  国家实验室

Nm  Neisseria meningiditis  脑膜炎奈瑟菌

NP  Nasopharyngeal  鼻咽部

NT  Neonatal tetanus  新生儿破伤风

Non-NT  Non-neonatal tetanus  非新生儿破伤风

NPAFP  Non-polio acute flaccid paralysis  非脊髓灰质炎急性弛缓性麻痹

NPEV  Non-polio enterovirus  非脊髓灰质炎肠道病毒

NVC  National verification committee(for measles and rubella elimination)  国家消除麻疹和风疹认证委员会

OF  Oral fluid  口腔液

OPV  Oral polio vaccine  口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗

ORS  Oral rehydration solutions  口服补液

ORT  Oral rehydration therapy  口服补液疗法

PAB  Protected at birth  出生时获得保护

PBS  Phosphate buffer saline  磷酸盐缓冲液

PCR  Polymerase chain reaction  聚合酶链反应

PCV  Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine  肺炎球菌结合疫苗

PEP  Post-exposure prophylaxis  暴露后预防

PHEIC  Public health emergency of international concern  国际关注的突发公共卫生事件

PID  Primary immunodeficiency  原发性免疫缺陷

PRNT  Plaque reduction neutralization test  蚀斑减少中和试验

PT  Pertussis toxin  百日咳毒素

QC  Quality control  质量控制

RCV  Rubella-containing vaccine  含风疹抗原组分疫苗

RDT  Rapid diagnostic test  快速诊断试验

RRL  Regional reference laboratory  地区参考实验室

RSV  Respiratory syncytial virus  呼吸道合胞病毒

RT-PCR  Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction  反转录聚合酶链反应

RV1  Monovalent rotavirus vaccine  单价轮状病毒疫苗

RV5  Pentavalent rotavirus vaccine  五价轮状病毒疫苗

SAGE  Strategic Advisory Group of Experts  策略咨询专家组

SARI  Severe acute respiratory illness  严重急性呼吸道疾病

SBA  Skilled birth attendant  熟练助产士

SEARO  World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia  世界卫生组织东南亚地区办事处

SIA  Supplemental immunization activity  强化免疫活动

Sp  Streptococcus pneumoniae  肺炎链球菌

SSPE  Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis  亚急性硬化性全脑炎

TCBS  Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts agar  硫代硫酸盐-柠檬酸盐-胆盐琼脂

TCV  Typhoid conjugate vaccine  伤寒结合疫苗

Td  Tetanus-diphtheria vaccine  破伤风-白喉疫苗

Tdap  Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine  破伤风-白喉-百日咳疫苗

TE-3  Tetanus international reference serum  破伤风国际参考血清

TIG  Tetanus immune globulin  破伤风免疫球蛋白

ToBI  Toxin-binding inhibition  毒素结合抑制法

TT  Tetanus toxoid  破伤风类毒素

TT2+  Second or subsequent dose of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine  含破伤风类毒素疫苗第2剂或随后剂次

TTCV  Tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine  含破伤风类毒素疫苗

VAPP  Vaccine-associated paralytic poliovirus  疫苗相关麻痹性脊髓灰质炎病毒

VDPV  Vaccine-derived poliovirus  疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒

ViPS  Typhoid Vi polysaccharide vaccine  伤寒Vi 多糖疫苗

VLP  Virus-like particle  疫苗样颗粒

VPD  Vaccine-preventable disease  疫苗可预防疾病

VTM  Viral transport media  病毒运送培养基

VZV  Varicella-zoster virus  水痘带状疱疹病毒

WASH  Water,sanitation and hygiene practices  水、环境卫生和卫生习惯

WGS  Whole genome sequencing  全基因组测序

WHO  World Health Organization  世界卫生组织

WHO-UNICEF  World Health Organization-United Children’s Fund  世界卫生组织-联合国儿童基金会

WPRO  World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific  世界卫生组织西太平洋地区办事处

WPV  Wild poliovirus  野生型脊髓灰质炎病毒

WRA  Women of reproductive age  育龄妇女

YF  Yellow fever  黄热病

(周祖木 译)