[1] Stephen Steinberg, The Ethnic Myth:Race, Ethnicity, and Class in Americe (New York:Atheneum, 1981), pp.99-103
[2] Aryeh Schmuelevitz, The Jess of the Ottoman Empire in the Late Fifteenth and the Sixteenth Centuries:Administratire, Economies, Legal and Social Relations as Reflected in the Responsa (Leiden, the Netherlands:E. J. Brill, 1984), p.138;Benard Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1984), pp.132, 133;Moses Rischin, The Promised City:Newe York's Jews, 1870-1914 (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Universitv Press, 1967), pp.61-68:Judith Laikin Elkin, Jess of the Latin American Republies (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1980), pp.11+-115. Howard M. Sachar, Diaspora:An Inquiry Into the Contemporary Jewish World (New York:Harper & Row, 1985), pp.250, 254, 287.
[3] Orlando Patterson, "Context and Choice in Ethnic Allegiance:A Theoretical Framework and Caribbean Case Study." Ethnicity:iheory and Experience. edited by Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1981), p.327.
[4] Yuan-li Wu and Chun-hsi Wu, Economic Derelopn ent in Southeast Asivn:The Chinese Dimension (Stanford:Hoover Institution Press, 1980). pp.30. 51:S. W. Kung. Chinese in American Life:Some Apects of Their History. Status, Problems and Contributions (Seattle:University of Washirgton Press, 1962), pp.22, 23.
[5] Victor Wolfgang van Hagen, The Germanic People in America (Norman:Oklahoma University Press, 1976). p.326;Alfred Dolge. Pianos and Thein Makers (Covina, Calif.:Covina Publishing Company 1911), pp.172, 264:Edwin M. Good, Giraffes, Black Dragons, and Other Pianos:A Technologi al History From Cristofori to the Modern Concert Grand (Stanford:Stanford University Press, 1982). p.137m;W. D. Borrie. "Australia, " The Positire Contributions by Immigrants, edited by Oscar Handlin (Paris:United Nations Educational, Seientifie and Cultural Organization, 1960), p.94.
[6] K. L Filion, Fiji's Indian Migrants:A History to the End of Indenture in 1920 (Melbourne:Oxford University Press, 1962), pp.130-133:Agehananda Bharati, The Asians in East Afrieg:Javhind and Uhurn (Chicagnc Nelson-Hall Company, 1972), pp.11, 17;J. S. Mangat, A History of the Asians in East Africa:c.1886 to 1945 (Oxford:Oford University Press 1969), pp.49, 95 Floyd and Lillian O. Dotson, The Indian Minority of Zambia, Rhodesia, and Malawi (New Haven:Yale University Press, 1968).pp.12, 28, 33.
[7] Robert F. Foerster, The Italian Emigration of Our Times (New York:Amo Press, 1969), pp.195, 206, 207, 211, 213, 214, 215, 220, 222, 325, 419.
[8] Ibid.., pp.257-259:The Great Palace of the Moscow Kremlin, translated by M. Wilkinson (Leningrad:Aurora Ant Publishers, 1981), p.9.
[9] William R. Brock, Scotus Americanies:A Surey of the Sourees for Links Betseen Scotland and America in the Eighteenth Certury (Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1982), pp.119-120.
[10] Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton:Prinoeton University Press, 1984), pp.129, 132, 133.
[11] William Chase Greene. The Achierement of Rome:A Chapter in Cirilization (New York:Cooper Square Publishers, Ine..1973), p.85.
[12] Ingeborg Fleischauer. "The Germans" Role in Tsarist Russia:A Reappraisal, " The Soriet Germans:Past and Present, edlited by Edith Rogovin Frankel (New York:St. Martin's Press, 1986), pp.17-18.
[13] P. T. Bauer, Reality and Rhetoric:Stadies in the Economics of Developmeni (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1984), p.7.
[14] See Thomas Sowell, Three Black Histories, " Essays and Data on American Ethnic Groups, edited by Thomas Sowell and Lynn D. Collins (Washington.d D.C.:The Urban Institute, 1978), pp.7-64.
[15] The Scots of Ulster County, Ireland, who settled along hundreds of miles of Appalachia, had a different history on both sides of the Atlantic from that of the Scots from the Scottish lowlands, as the latter did also from the highland Scots. The Ulster Scots "developed habits of thought and conduct differentiating them from the Scots at home." Maldwyn Allen Jones, "ScotchIrish, "Harrard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, edited by Stephan Thernstrom, et al. (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1980), p.896.For social and cultural histories of these various subgroups of Scots see James G. Leyburn, The ScotchIrish (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1962);Rory Fitzpatrick, God's Frontiersmen:The ScotsIrish Epic (London:George Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989);Duane Meyer, The Highland Scots of North Carolina:1732-1776 (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1961);William R. Brock, Scotus Americanus:A Surve of the Sources for Links Between Scotland and America in the Eighteenth Century (Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1982);Gordon Donaldson, "Scots, " Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, pp908-916. See also David Hackett Fischer, Albion's Seed:Four British Folksays in America (New York:Oxford University Press, 1989), pp, 605-782.
[16] Yasuo Wakatsuki, "Japanese Emigration to the United States, " Perspectires in American History, 1979 (Volume XII), pp.430-434, 465-470.
[17] Raphael Patai, The Jewish Mind (New York:Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977). pp.122-125.
[18] Geoffrey Blainey, Triumph of the Nomads:A History of Ancient Austrulia (South Melbourne:The Macmillan Co. of Australia, 1982), p, vi.
[19] See, for example, Irowokawa Daikichi, The Culture of the Meiyi Period,translated and edited by Marius B. Jansen (Princeton:Princeton Universityd Press, 1988), Chapter II.
[20] John R. Harris, "Movements of Technology Between Britain and Europe in the Eighteenth Century, " International Technology Transfer:Europe, Japav and the USA, 1700-1914, edited by David J. Jeremy (Brookfield, Vt:Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1991), p.14.
[21] Bruno Lasker, Human Bondage in Southeast Asia (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1950), p.16.
[22] David J. Jeremy and Darwin H. Stapleton, "Transfers Between Culturally-Related Nations:The Movement of Textile and Railroad Technologies Between Britain and the United States, 1780-1840, " International Technol-ogy Transfer:Europe, Japan and the USA, 1700-1914, edited by David J.Jeremy. pp.31-48;Takeshi Yuzawa, "The Transfer of Railway Technolo-gies From Britain to Japan, With Special Reference to Locomotive Manufacture, " Ibid., pp.199-218;Tetsuro Nakaoka, "The Transfer of Cotton Manu-facturing Technology From Britain to Japan, " Ibid., pp.181-198;Gregory Clark, "Why Isn't the Whole World Developed?Lessons From Cotton Mills, " Journal of Economic History, March 1987, p.142;W. O. Henderson.The Rise of German Industrial Power:1834-1914 (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1975), p.44;Mark Jefferson, Peopling the Argentine Pampa (Port Washington, N.Y.:Kennikat Press, 1971), p.137;Winthrop R.Wright, British-Owned Railways in Argentina:Their Effect on the Growth of Economic Nationalism, 1854-1948 (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1974), pp.5, 19, 23;Neena Vreeland et al., Area handbook for Malaysia,third edition (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977), pp.301-302;Dharma Kumar, The Cambridge Ecoromic History of India,Vol.2 (Hyderabad:Orient Longman, Ltd., 1984), pp.737-761;T. O. Lloyd.The British Empire:1558-1983 (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1984), p.239;Daniel R. Headrick, The Tools of Empire:Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century (New York:Oxford University Press, 1981), pp.180-191, 195.
[23] Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict (Berkeley:University of Cali-fornia Press, 1985), p.677;Myron Weiner, "The Pursuit of Ethnic Equality Through Preferential Policies:A Comparative Public Policy Perspective, "From Independence to Statehood:Managing Ethnic Conflict in Five African and Asian States, edited by Robert B. Goldmann and A. Jeyaratnam Wilson (London:Frances Pinter, 1984), p.64;Cynthia Enloe, Police, Military and Ethnicity:Foundations of State Power (New Brunswick, N.J.:Transaction Books, 1980). pp.37, 163, 164. ture, " Ibid., pp.199-218;Tetsuro Nakaoka, "The Transfer of Cotton Manu-facturing Technology From Britain to Japan, " Ibid., pp.181-198;Gregory Clark, "Why Isn't the Whole World Developed?Lessons From Cotton Mills, " Journal of Economic History, March 1987, p.142;W. O. Henderson.The Rise of German Industrial Power:1834-1914 (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1975), p.44;Mark Jefferson, Peopling the Argentine Pampa (Port Washington, N.Y.:Kennikat Press, 1971), p.137;Winthrop R.Wright, British-Owned Railways in Argentina:Their Effect on the Growth of Economic Nationalism, 1854-1948 (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1974), pp.5, 19, 23;Neena Vreeland et al., Area handbook for Malaysia,third edition (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977), pp.301-302;Dharma Kumar, The Cambridge Ecoromic History of India,Vol.2 (Hyderabad:Orient Longman, Ltd., 1984), pp.737-761;T. O. Lloyd.The British Empire:1558-1983 (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1984), p.239;Daniel R. Headrick, The Tools of Empire:Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century (New York:Oxford University Press, 1981), pp.180-191, 195.23. Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict (Berkeley:University of Cali-fornia Press, 1985), p.677;Myron Weiner, "The Pursuit of Ethnic Equality Through Preferential Policies:A Comparative Public Policy Perspective, "From Independence to Statehood:Managing Ethnic Conflict in Five African and Asian States, edited by Robert B. Goldmann and A. Jeyaratnam Wilson (London:Frances Pinter, 1984), p.64;Cynthia Enloe, Police, Military and Ethnicity:Foundations of State Power (New Brunswick, N.J.:Transaction Books, 1980). pp.37, 163, 164.
[24] See, for example, Irowokawa Daikichi, The Culture of the Meiji Period,translated and edited by Marius B. Jansen (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1988), Chapter II.
[25] Hattie Plum Williams, The Czar's Germans:With Particular Reference to the Volga Germans (Lincoln, Neb.:American Historical Society of Germans From Russia, 1975), p.163.
[26] W. D. Borrie, Italians and Germans in Australia (Melbourne:Australian National University, 1954), p.221;Eric N. Baklancff, "External Factors in the Economic Development of Brazil's Heartland:The Center-South.1850-1930, " The Shaping of Modern Brazil, edited by Eric N. Baklanoff (Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 1969), p.30;Frederick C.Luebke, "A Prelude to Conflict:The German Ethnic Group in Brazilian Society, 1890-1917, " Ethnic and Racial Studies, January 1983, p.3:Terry G. Jordan, German Seed in Texas Soil (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1982), p.108;Fred C. Koch, The Volga Germans:Ia Russia and the Ameri-cas, From 1763 to the Present (University Park:Per nsylvania State Univer-sity Press, 1978), pp.214-215, 227, 230;Richard Sallet, Russian-German Settlements in the United States, translated by LaVern J. Rippley and Armand Bauer (Fargo, N.D.:North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974), pp.42-62;George F. W. Young, Germans in Chile:Immigration and Colonization, 1849-1914 (Staten Island, N.Y.:The Center for Migration Studies, 1974), Chapters II, III, IV;Hans Juergen Hoyer, "Germans in Paraguay, 1881-1945, " Ph.D. dissertation, American University, 1973, pp.46, 49, 51-56.
[27] Orlando Patterson, "Context and Choice in Ethnic Allegiance:A Theoretical Framework and Caribbean Case Study, " Ethnicity:Theory and Experience,edited by Nathan Glazer and Daniel P. Moynihan (Cambridge, Mass.:Har-vard University Press, 1981), p.327.
[28] Pierre L. van den Berghe, "Asian Africans Before and After Independence, "Kroniek van Afrika (The Netherlands), 1975, No.6 (New Series), p.199.
[29] Ibid., p.201.
[30] Ibid., p.200.
[31] Charles A. Price, Southern Europeans in Australia (Canberra:Australian National University, 1979), pp.140, 162, 198.
[32] See, for example, Illsoo Kim, New Urban Immigrants:The Korean Commu-nity in New York (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1981), p.258;Pyong Gap Min, Ethnic Business Enterprise:Small Business in Atlanta (New York:Center for Migration Studies, 1988), pp.33-34;Ivan Light and Edna Bonacich, Immigrant Entrepreneurs:Koreans in Los Angeles, 1965-1982 (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1988), pp.318-319.
[33] Karl Stumpp, The German-Russians:Two Centuries of Pioneering (Bonn:Edition Atlantic-Forum, 1966), pp.140-141;Albert Bernhardt Faust, The German Element in the United States (New York:Arno Press, 1969), pp.131-139, 148:I. Harmstorf, "German Settlement in South Australia Until1914, " The Australian People:An Encyclopedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins, edited by James Jupp (North Ryde, N.S.W.:Angus and Robertson, 1988), p.482;T. Lynn Smith, Brazil:People and Institutions (Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 1972), p.134.
[34] Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict (Berkeley:University of Cali-fornia Press, 1985), pp.169-175;Mahatir bin Mohamad, The Malay Dilemma (Kuala Lumpur:Federal Publications, 1970), passim. It may seem as though this implies acceptance of self-reported conclusions in this case but not in the case of survey research. However, much survey research inquires into things desired (becoming a doctor, owning a home, etc.) or behavior valued (hardwork, reliability, etc.) rather than the actual character-istics of one's group behavior pattern.
[35] See, for example, Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews:From the Babylon-ian Exile to the Present, 5728-1968 (New York:New American Library, 1968), p.342;John William Henderson, et al., Area Handbook for Burma (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971), p.238.
[36] See, for example, Roy E. H. Mellor, Europe:A Geographical Surpey of the Con-tinent (New York:Columbia University Press, 1979). especially Chapter 1.
[37] P. T. Bauer, Reality and Rhetoric:Studies in the Economics of Development (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1984), p.7.
[38] Kernial Singh Sandhu, Indians in Malaya:Immigration and Settlement (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1969), p.261.
[39] Cecil Clementi, The Chinese in British Guiana (The Argosy" Company Ltd., 1915), p.224.
[40] Sidney Pollard, "Labour in Great Britain, " The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, Vol. VII:The Industrial Economies:Capital, Labour, and Enter-prise, Part l:Britain, France, Germany, and Scandinavia, edited by Peter Mathias and M. M. Postan (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1978). p.157.
[41] See, for example, Ronald C. Newton, German Buenos Aires, 1900-1933:Social Change and Cultural Crisis (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1977), p.9;Gino Germani, "Mass Immigration and Modernization in Argentina, "Studies in Comparative Derelopment, Vol.2 (1966), p.167, 170;Laura Ran-dall, An Economic History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century (New York:Columbia University Press, 1978), p.116;Jean Roche, La Colonisation Allemande et Le Rio Grande do Sul (Paris:Institut des Hautes Études de L'Amérique Latine, 1959);J. F. Normano and Antonello Gerbi. The Japan-ese in South America:An Introduction Survey With Special Reference to Peru (New York:Institute of Pacific Relations, 1943), pp.38-39;Robert Foer-ster, The Italian Emigration of Our Times (New York:Arno Press, 1969). Chapters XIII, XIV, XV, XVI;Winthrop R. Wright, Eritish-Owned Railways in Argentina:Their Effect on the Growth of Economie Nationalism.1854-1948 (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1974).
[42] Roger P. Bartlett, Human Capital:The Settlement of Foreigners in Russia1762-1804 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1979), pp.132.144,158-164:John P. McKay, Pioneers for Profit:Foreiga Entrepreneurship and Russian Industrialization 1885-1913 (Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1970), pp.34, 35, 48, 144;Arcadius Kahan, "Notes on Jewish Entrepre-neurship in Tsarist Russia, " Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, edited by Gregory Guroff and Fred V. Carstensen (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1983), pp.104-124.
[43] David Lamb, The Africans (New York:Random House, 1982), pp.214-217,295.
[44] Stephen Steinberg. The Ethnic Myth:Race, Ethnicity, and Class in America (New York:Atheneum, 1981), pp.79-81.93-103;Joel Perlmann, Ethnic Differences:Schooling and Social Structure Among the Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks in an American City 1880-1935 (New York:Cambridge Univer-sity Press, 1988). p.204.
[45] "Race, Class, and Scores, " New York Times, October 24, 1982, Section 4. p.9:College Entrance Examination Board, Profiles, College-Bound Seniors, 1981 (New York:College Entrance Examination Board, 1982). pp.27.36.45,55.
[46] For a general survey of these developments, see Jason Schneider, "How the Japanese Camera Took Over, " Modern Photography, July 1984, pp.56ff.
[47] John P. McKay, Pioneers for Profit, pp.193, 257.
[48] David J. Jeremy and Darwin H. Stapleton, "Transfers Between Cultur-ally-Related Nations:The Movement of Textile and Railroad Technolo-gies Between Britain and the United States, 1780-1840, " International Technology Transfer:Europe, Japan and the USA, 1700-1914, edited by David J. Jeremy (Brookfield, Vt.:Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1991). p.35.
[49] Charles K. Hyde, "Iron and Steel Technologies Moving Between Europe and the United States Before 1914, " Ibid., pp.52-53.
[50] David J. Jeremy and Darwin H. Stapleton, "Transfers Between Culturally-Related Nations, " Ibid., p.42.
[51] Charles K. Hyde, "Iron and Steel Technologies Moving Between Europe and the United States Before 1914, " Ibid., p.54.
[52] David J. Jeremy and Darwin H. Stapleton, "Transfers Between Culturally-Related Nations, " Ibid., pp.40-41.
[53] Ibid., p.32.
[54] Irowokawa Daikichi, The Culture of the Meiji Period, p.7.
[55] David J. Jeremy and Darwin H. Stapleton, "Transfers Between Culturally-Related Nations." International Technology Transfer:Europe, Japan and the USA, 1700-1914, edited by David J. Jeremy (Brookfield, Vt.:Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1991), pp.32, 34, 35;John R. Harris, "Movements of Technology Between Britain and Europe in the Eighteenth Century, " Ibid., pp.12-13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23.
[56] Tetsuro Nakaoka, The Transfer of Cotton Manufacturing Technology From Britain to Japan, " Ibid., p.183.
[57] Ibid., p.188.
[58] Ibid., p.193.
[59] Ibid., p.194.
[60] Takeshi Yuzawa, "The Transfer of Railway Technologies From Britain to Japan, With Special Reference to Locomotive Manufacture, " Ibid., pp.205,206.
[61] Ibid., p.212.
[62] Simon Ville, "Shipping Industry Technologies, " Ibid., p.80.
[63] Richard Pipes, Russia Under the Old Regime:The History of Civilization (New York:Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974), pp.196, 218;Antony C. Sutton,Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1930 to 1945 (Stan-ford:Hoover Institution Press, 1971), pp.11, 13.
[64] David J. Jeremy, "Introduction:Some of the Larger Issues Posed by Tech-nology Transfer, " International Technology Transfer:Europe, Japan and the USA, 1700-1914, edited by David J. Jeremy (Brookfield, Vt.:Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1991), p.1.
[65] Tetsuro Nakaoka, "The Transfer of Cotton Manufacturing Technology From Britain to Japan, " Ibid., p.184.
[66] John R. Harris, "Movements of Technology Between Britain and Europe in the Eighteenth Century, " Ibid., p.10.
[67] W. Montgomery Watt, The Influence of Islam on Medieval Europe (Edin-burgh:Edinburgh University Press, 1972), pp.22-26, 30-43, 58-71.
[68] Simon Ville, "Shipping Industry Technologies, " In:ernational Technology Transfer:Europe, Japan and the USA, 1700-191-4, edited by David J.Jeremy (Brookfield, Vt.:Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1991), pp.80,90.
[69] Winthrop R. Wright, British-Owned Railways in Argentina, pp.267-268.
[70] Seymour Martin Lipset, "Values, Education, and Ertrepreneurship, " Elites in Latin America, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset and Aldo Solari (New York:Oxford University Press, 1967), p.25.
[71] Seymour Martin Lipset, Revolution and Counter-revolution:Change and Persistence in Social Structures, revised edition (Garden City, N.Y.:Anchor Books, 1970), pp.109-110.
[72] Seymour Martin Lipset, "Values, Education, and Ertrepreneurship, " Elites in Latin America, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset and Aldo Solari. pp.20-21.
[73] Carl K. Fisher, "Facing Up to Africa's Food Crisis." Foreign Affairs. Fall1982, p.166.
[74] Ibid., p.170.
[75] Yuan-li Wu and Chun-hsi Wu, Economic Development in Southeast Asia, p.57. See also Donald R. Snodgrass, Inequality and Economic Development in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur:Oxford University Press, 1980), pp.249-250.
[76] Gordon P. Means, Malaysian Politics (New York:New York University Press, 1970), p.20;see also Been-lan Wang, "Government Intervention in Ethnic Stratification:Effects on the Distribution of Students Among Fields of Study, " Comparative Education Review. Vol.21 (1977), p.123;Victor Purcell, The Chinese in Southeast Asia.2nd edition (Kuala Lumpur:Oxford University Press, 1980), p.227.
[77] Wolfgang Kasper, et al., Fiji:Opportunity From Adversity? (St. Leonards,Australia:Centre for Independent Studies, 1988). p.129.
[78] Derek T. Healey, "Development Policy:New Thinking About an Interpreta-tion, " Journal of Economic Literature, September 1972, p.771.
[79] Ibid., p.771n.
[80] James Fallows, "Indonesia:An Effort to Hold Together, " The Atlantic. June1982, p.22.
[81] Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict, p.114.
[82] Gunnar Myrdal. Asian Drama:An Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations (New)York:Vintage Books, 1972), p.295.
[83] Ibid., p.296.
[84] Maurice Pinard and Richard Hamilton, "The Class Base of the Quebecd Independence Movement:Conjectures and Evidence, " Ethnic and Racial Studies, January 1984, pp.19-54.
[85] Marc Galanter, Competing Equalities:Law and the Backward Classes in India (Delhi:Oxford University Press, 1984), p.63.
[86] Alec Nove and J. A. Newth, The Soviet Middle East:A Communist Model for Development (New York:Frederick A. Praeger, 1967), p.80.
[87] Sammy Smooha and Yochanan Peres, "The Dynamics of Ethnic Inequali-ties:The Case of Israel, " Studies of Israeli Society, Vol. I:Migration, Ethnic-ity and Community, edited by Ernest Krausz (New Brunswick, N.J.:Trans-action Books, 1980), p.173.
[88] George H. Brown, Nan L. Rosen, and Susan T. Hill, The Condition of Edu-cation for Hispanic Americans (Washington, D.C.:National Center for Edu-cational Statistics, 1980), p.119. See also Manuel P. Servin, "The Post-World War II Mexican-American, 1925-1965:A Non-Achieving Minority, " The Mexican-Americans:An Awakening Minority, edited by Manuel P. Servin (Beverly Hills:Glencoe Press, 1970), p.156;Ellwyn R.Stoddard, Mexican Americans (New York:Random House, 1973), pp.133-134.
[89] Paul Compton, The Conflict in Northern Ireland:Demographic and Eco-nomic Considerations, " Economic Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict:Interna-tional Perspectives, edited by S. W. R. de A. Samarasinghe and Reed Cough-d lan (London:Pinter Publishers, 1991), p.42.
[90] Sue E. Berryman, Who Will Do Science:Trends, and Their Causes, in Minority and Female Representation Among Holders of Advanced Degrees in Science and Mathematics (New York:The Rockefeller Foundation, 1983), p.10.
[91] Seymour Martin Lipset, Revolution and Counter-revolution, pp.83-84.
[92] Ibid.;C. R. Boxer, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire:1415-1825 (New York:Alfred A. Knopf, 1969), p.88;Carl Degler, Neither Black Nor White:Slavery and Race Relations in Brazil and the United States (New York:Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1971), p.245.
[93] Seymour Martin Lipset, "Values, Education, and Entrepreneurship, " Elites in Latin America, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset and Aldo Solari, pp.20-21.
[94] Jaime Vicens Vives, "The Decline of Spain in the Seventeenth Century, "The Economic Decline of Empires, edited by Carlo M. Cipolla (London:Methuen & Co., 1970), p.127.
[95] William H. McNeill, The Rise of the West:A History of the Human Commu-nity (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1991), p.667.
[96] Norman R. Stewart, Japanese Colonization in Eastern Paraguay (Washing-ton, D.C.:National Academy of Sciences, 1967), p.153.
[97] Harry Leonard Sawatsky, They Sought a Country:Mennonite Colonization in Mexico (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1971), p.365.
[98] Frederick C. Luebke, Germans in the New World:Essays in the History of Immigration (Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990), pp.94, 96;Carl Solberg, Immigration and Nationalism:Argentina and Chile, 1890-1914 (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1970), Chapter 1;George F. W. Young, "Bernardo Philippi, Initiator of German Colonization in Chile, " Hispanic American Historical Review, August 1971, p.490;Fred C. Koch, The Volga Germans:In Russia and the Americas, From 1763 to the Present (University Park:Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978), pp.231-233.
[99] See, for example, Herbert Stein and Murray Foss, An Illustrated Guide to the American Economy (Washington, D.C.:The American Enterprise Institute, 1992), pp.12-13.
[100] Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict, p.114.
[101] William McGowan, And Only Man Is Vile:The Tragedy of Sri Lanka (New York:Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1992), p.13. See also pp.113, 287.
[102] Ibid., p.341.
[103] Ibid., p.288.
[104] See, for example, Ibid., pp.291-292.
[105] See Ibid., p.292.
[106] Thomas Sowell, "Race and I.Q. Reconsidered, " Essays and Data on American Ethnic Groups, edited by Thomas Sowell and Lynn D. Collins.p.219.
[107] Edwin R. Reubens, "Low-level Work in Japan Without Foreign Workers."International Migration Review, Winter 1981, pp.749-757.
[108] See, for example, William McGowan, And Only Man Is Vile, pp.94, 288.
[109] See Hugh D. Hudson, Jr., The Rise of the Demidor Family and the Russian Iron Industry in the Eighteenth Century (Newtonville, Mass.:Oriental Re-search Partners, 1986), passim, especially pp.44, 48, 117, 119-120.
[110] Ibid., pp.119-120. Ping-ti Ho, "Economic Decline and Institutional Fac-tors in the Decline of the Chinese Empire, " The Economic Decline of Empires, edited by Carlo M. Cipolla, p.275;William H. McNeill, The Rise of the West:A History of the Human Community (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1991), p.520.
[111] Arthur Hertzberg, The French Enlightenment and the Jews:The Origins of Modern Anti-Semitism (New York:Columbia University Press, 1990), p.80:William H. McNeill, The Rise of the West, p.679.
[112] Charles O. Hucker, China's Imperial Past (Stanford:Stanford University Press, 1975), Chapter 11, 12, passim;Jaime Vicens. Vives, "The Decline of Spain in the Seventeenth Century, " The Economic Decline of Empires.edited by Carlo M. Cipolla, pp.121.126-128.
[113] Jaime Vicens Vives, "The Decline of Spain in the Seventeenth Century, "The Economic Decline of Empires, edited by Carlo M. Cipolla, pp.130-136,143, 190.
[114] See Chapter 2 of this book.
[115] Bernard Lewis, "Some Reflections on the Decline of the Ottoman Empire, "The Economic Decline of Empires, edited by Ca-lo M. Cipolla, p.226:Robert Mantran, "Foreign Merchants and the Mincrities in Istanbul during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries." Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire:The Functioning of a Plural Society, edited by Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, Vol. I:The Central Lands (New York:Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc., 1982), pp.127-137;Charles Issawi, "The Transformation of the Economic Position of the Millets in the Nineteenth Century, " Ibid., pp.261-285.
[116] Yuan-li Wu and Chun-hsi Wu, Economic Development in Southeast Asia, pp.30-31, 34, 36;Haraprasad Chattopadhyaya, Indians in Africa:A Socio-Eco-nomic Study (Caleutta:Bookland Private Ltd., 1970), pp.262-263, 394.
[117] O. R. Dathorne, Jr., The Black Mind:The History of African Literature (Min-neapolis:University of Minnesota Press, 1974), p.309;see also Edward A.Jones, Voices of Negritude (Valley Forge, Pa.:Judson Press, 1971), p.14.
[118] Geoffrey Moorhouse, India Britannica (New York:Harper & Row, 1983), p.243.
[119] J. F. Normano and Antonello Gerbi, The Japanese in South America:An Introduction Survey With Special Reference to Peru (New York:Institute of Pacific Relations, 1943). p.62.
[120] Robert N. Kearney, Communalism and Language in the Politics of Ceylon (Durham:Duke University Press, 1967), pp.80-81.
[121] Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict, p.72; "Both Islam and Christianity are vital and growing religions in Africa today. In the worldwide gatherings of both faiths, African representatives are an increasingly impor-tant section. At the same time the observance of traditional religious rituals is probably decreasing, although some young university-educated people are advocating a deliberate return to traditional culture, including its religious aspects. It is doubtful whether the majority of Africans will ever take this seriously." Jocelyn Murray, ed., Cultural Atlas of Africa (New York:Facts on File Publications, 1981), p.35. See also Ashis Nandy, "The Making and Unmaking of Political Cultures in India, " Daedelus, Winter 1973, pp.127-128.
[122] Ken Adachi, The Enemy That Never Was:A History of the Japanese Canadi-ans (Toronto:McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1976), p.362.
[123] This was pointed out long ago by Marcus Lee Hansen in The Problem of the Third Generation Immigrant (Rock Island, Il.:Augustana Historical Soci-ety, 1938), pp.9-10.
[124] "Racism Not Changed' Says Professor, " The Press (Christchurch, New Zealand), September 23, 1988, p.6.