This English version,whose translation was organized by Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute authorized by National Energy Administration of the People s Republic of China in compliance with relevant procedures and stipulations,is one of China s energy industry standards in English series.This English version was published by National Energy Administration of the People s Republic of China in Announcement〔2013〕No.6 dated November 28,2013.
The English version was translated from the Chinese Standard Technical Code for Design Load of Main Building in Fossil-fired Power Plant and the Conventional Island of Nuclear Power Plant DL/T 5095-2013.
The copyright is owned by National Energy Administration of the People s Republic of China.In the event of any discrepancy in the process of implementation,the Chinese version shall prevail.
Many thanks would go to the staff from relevant standard development organizations and those who have provided generous assistance in the translation and review process.
For further improvement of the English version,all comments and suggestions are welcome and should be addressed to Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute.No.65 Ande road,Xicheng District,Beijing 100120,China.Website:www.eppei.com.
Translating organizations:
Southwest Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.of China Power Engineering Consulting Group,China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association,SUNTHER Industry Data Benchmarking Co.,Ltd.
Translating staff:
Southwest Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.of China Power Engineering Consulting Group:CHEN Qichun,YAN Mingzhang,XUE Jiang,HE Qinghui,CAO Songtao,ZHANG Hualun,FU Huanxing
China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Association:GUO Yali,SU Honghong
SUNTHER Industry Data Benchmarking Co.,Ltd.:LI Jun,YANG Na,LIU Yuqing
Review panel members:
JIA Cheng Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute.
LIU Tianying Northeast Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
HU Shilin East China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
DENG Wenxiang East China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
LIU Feipeng Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co.Ltd.
XIONG Liang Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
CHEN Mu Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
WANG Zixiang North China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.
ZHAO Chunxiao Hebei Electric Power Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
DAI Lu Jiangsu Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.