Political identity and modernization are both related to the rise、fall and survival of human society and the political community. The same points are:self-awakening is the same starting point of the two;development is the common characteristics of the two;seeking sameness is the same tendency of the two. The paradoxes are:the objectivity of modernization and the subjectivity of political identity;the revolutionary nature of modernization and the historical nature of political identity;the transcendence of modernization and the conservative nature of political identity. “same point” means that modernization is strategically conducive to the formation of political identity,and political identity is conducive to the realization of modernization. The two are related in a positive sense. “Paradox” means that in the process of modernization,specific to different time and space scope and conditions,modernization may lead to a crisis of political identity,and political identity may endanger the modernization process. “Integration” means that truly solid political identity must be centered around the “main axis” of modernization. Political identity that is separated from the time and space background of modernization is transient and unstable. “Paradox” means that political identity does not necessarily occur with modernization. Whether modernization can promote political identity and what function political identity can play in the modernization process depends on the direction of political identity. The same delimits the lower limit of political identity construction,and the deviation releases the upper space limit of political identity construction. The construction of political identity in the process of modernization,on the one hand,expands the spatial upper limit of political identity and deeply explores the resources of political identity;on the other hand,it adheres to the “lower limit” of political identity and resolutely guarantees the modernization of political identity. In terms of the basic attributes and needs of people,the realization of political identity should have resources such as historical memory,practical interests,values and discourse systems;based on the basic logic of the modern political system operation,the objects of political identity include behavioral identity,institutional identity and ideological identity. There is a complex and multiple correspondence relationship between political identity resources and objects. Continuous and stable political identity requires the diversity of political identity resources and the inherent logical consistency of political identity objects,thereby forming a mutually reinforcing network-like political identity pattern. History and reality have repeatedly told us that economic,political,and cultural modernization have a very important impact on political identity. The relationship between modernization in different dimensions and political identity is extremely complex. There are both factors that enhance political identity and factors that weaken political identity. For example,economic modernization may increase or weaken political identity. “Take the bowl to eat meat,put down the bowl and scold the mother” is typical. At the same time,different dimensions of modernization have a compound effect on political identity,and the positive and negative effects cancel each other out. Therefore,economic,political,and cultural superimposed modernization is often not conducive to the realization of political identity,and it is prone to political identity problems. The root cause of the crisis of political identity is more prone to countries than developed countries. The characteristics and experience of early-onset modernization and early-onset,endogenous and gradual,historical memory-real interests-values-discourse system political identity resources are comprehensive and highly consistent,showing the ideology-institution-behavior politics Identify the progressiveness and hierarchy of object development. The lateness,exogeneity and superposition of late-modernization make political identity resources singular and stacked,and political identity objects are reverse and binding. Different types of modern political identity models have realistic rationality. Of course,there are major limitations to the political identity model in the process of post-modernization. Whether or not to surpass the limitations often becomes a key node in the success or failure of modernization. Breakthroughs in political identity will often promote the development of modernization,surpass the bottleneck of modernization,and thus enter the ranks of developed countries. Otherwise,modernization may break and stagnate. The construction of socialist political identity with Chinese characteristics must be placed in the perspective of socialist modernization,make full use of the game between modernization and political identity,and expand the space of political identity,and tap the resources of political identity. At the same time,on the basis of observing the particularity and drawing on the experience of the development of political identity during the early modernization process,the creative transformation of the political identity model was achieved. The key to the transformation lies in the identity of fundamental political issues and the change from “issues leading” to “identity guiding”.
Keywords:modernity;modernization;political identity