3.2 Resetting the origin 原点重新设置
The origin is set so that the robot can be used with a high accuracy. After purchasing the robot,always carry out this step before starting work. The origin must be reset if the combination of robot and controller being used is changed or if the motor is changed causing an encoder area. The origin setting methods and when each origin setting method required are shown in Table 3-2.
表3-2 原点重新设置方式

Caution 注意:
• The origin is set using the jig method(No. 2)at factory default.
机器人出厂时,已通过校正棒方式(No. 2)进行了原点设定。
• The value set with the jig method is encoded and used as the origin data to be input at the initial startup after shipment. When the robot arm does not mechanically deviate(for example caused by replacement of the reduction gear,motor,or timing belt)or does not lose the encoder data,the origin data input method at shipment can be used to set the origin.
• The origin data is inherent to the serial number of each robot arm.
• The ABS origin method is used to restore the previous data by aligning the triangular marks to each other for each axis to set the lost origin data.
Caution 注意:
• The ABS origin method cannot be used when the robot arm mechanically deviates(for example caused by replacement of the reduction gear,motor,or timing belt).
• After the origin setting is completed,move the robot arm to the position where the ABS marks align each other,and check that the displayed joint coordinates of the position are correct.
3.2.1 Mechanical stopper method 机械挡块方式
Setting for 4-axis robot. 4轴机器人的设置。
(1)J1 axis origin setting(mechanical stopper) J1轴原点设置
1)Press the [4] key on the menu screen,and display the origin/brake selection screen.

图3-8 J1轴原点设置
2)With both hands,slowly move the J1 axis in“-”(minus)direction ,and contact the axis against the mechanical stopper.
3)Press the [1] key,and display the Origin setting selection screen.
4)Press the [2] key,and display the mechanical stopper selection screen.

图3-9 J1轴原点设置选择

图3-10 J1轴原点设置(选择机械挡块方式)
5)Input “1” into the J1 axis. Set “0” to other axes.
按下[↑]~[→]键,将光标移至J1的“( )”内,按下[1]键。在其他的轴中设置[0](图3-11)。
6)Press the [EXE] key,and display confirmation screen.
7)Press the [F1] key,and the origin position is set up.

图3-11 J1轴原点设置(选择J轴)

图3-12 J1轴原点设置(确认设置)
8)Setting of the origin is completed.

图3-13 J1轴原点设置(设置完成)
9)Record the origin data on the origin data seal.
(2)J2 axis origin setting(mechanical stopper) J2轴原点设置
1)Press the [4] key on the menu screen,and display the origin/brake selection screen.
2)With both hands,slowly move the J2 axis in“+”(plus)direction ,and contact the axis against the mechanical stopper.

图3-14 J2轴原点设置
(3)J3 and J4 axis origin setting(mechanical stopper) J3及J4轴原点设置
Always perform origin setting of the J3 axis and the J4 axis simultaneously.
1)Removes the No. 2 arm cover U。
2)Press the [4] key on the menu screen,and display the origin/brake selection screen.
3)Press the[2]key,and display the brake release selection screen.

图3-15 J3轴原点设置(选择原点/制动器)

图3-16 J3轴原点设置(选择制动器操作)
4)Release the brake of the J3 axis. Input “1” into the J3 axis. Set “0” to other axes.
松开J3轴的制动器。按下[↑] ~ [→]键,将光标移至J3的“( )”内,按下[1]键。在其他的轴中设置[0]。如图3-17。
5)Confirm the axis for which the brakes are to be released.
6)Pressing the [F1] key is kept with the enabling switch of T/B pressed down. The brake is released while pressing the key.
在按下T/B的有效开关的状况下持续按压 [F1]键。在按压该键期间,制动器被解除(图3-18)。

图3-17 J3轴原点设置(设置J3轴=1)

图3-18 J3轴原点设置(打开J3轴制动器)
Note:The brake of the axis shown below repeats release/lock at the interval in each about 200ms for dropping the J3 axis slowly.
7)With both hands,slowly move the J3 axis in“+”(plus)direction ,and contact the axis against the mechanical stopper.
8)Hold the J4 axis with your hand and rotate it slowly to match the alignment marks. Move the J4 axis with maintaining the condition that the releasing brake of the J3 axis and the J3 axis contact to the mechanical stopper.

图3-19 J3轴原点设置(移动J3轴至挡块)

图3-20 J4轴原点设置
9)Detach the [F1] key and work the brake. press the [F4] key and return to the origin/brake screen.

图3-21 J3轴制动器有效
3.2.2 Jig method 校正棒方式
This method is using the origin setting tool.

图3-22 设置原点用校正棒
Setting for 6-axis robot.
(1)J1 axis pinhole position J1轴校准孔位置(图3-23)
(2)J2 axis pinhole position J2轴校准孔位置(图3-24)

图3-23 J1轴校准孔位置

图3-24 J2轴校准孔位置
(3)J3 axis pinhole position J3轴校准孔位置(图3-25)
(4)J4 axis pinhole position J4轴校准孔位置(图3-26)

图3-25 J3轴校准孔位置

图3-26 J4轴校准孔位置
(5)J5 axis pinhole position J5轴校准孔位置(图3-27)
(6)Setting process for J6 axis J6轴设置方法(图3-28)
Install the bolts(M6×2,customer preparation)in the diagonal position at the J6 axis. Hold the bolts with hands,rotate them slowly and align the ABS mark of the J6 axis with the ABS mark of the wrist area.

图3-27 J5轴校准孔位置

图3-28 J6轴重新设置原点
3.2.3 ABS origin method ABS设置原点方式 Origin setting for 4-axis robot 4轴机器人原点设置
(1)J1 axis origin setting J1轴原点设置
1)Press the [4] key on the menu screen,and display the origin/brake selection screen.

图3-29 J1轴原点设置
2)Move the J1 axis slowly toward the front using both hands. Align the pinhole of the No.1 arm and the pinhole at the base section,feed through the origin jig into the pinholes and fasten.
3)Press the [1] key,and display the origin setting selection screen.
4)Press the [3] key,and display the tool selection screen.

图3-30 J1轴原点设置(校正棒方式选择原点设置)

图3-31 J1轴原点设置(校正棒方式选择TOOL)
5)Input “1” into the J1 axis. Set “0” to other axes.
按下[↑]~[→]键,将光标移至J1的“( )”内,按下[1]键。在其他的轴中设置[0](图3-32)。
6)Press the[EXE]key,and display confirmation screen.
7)Press the[F1]key,and the origin position is set up.

图3-32 J1轴原点设置(校正棒方式设置J1轴)

图3-33 J1轴原点设置(校正棒方式确认设置)
8)Setting of the origin is completed.
(2)J2 axis origin setting J2轴原点设置
1)Press the [4] key on the menu screen,and display the origin/brake selection screen.
2)Slowly rotate the J2 axis to 0 degree with both hands. And align the pinholes of the No.1 and No.2 arms,feed through the origin jig into the pinholes and fasten.

图3-34 J2轴原点设置 ABS mark attachment positions for 4-axis robot 4轴机器人ABS标志位置(图3-35)

图3-35 ABS标志位置 ABS mark attachment positions for 6-axis robot 6轴机器人ABS标志位置(图3-36)

图3-36 ABS 标志