1.8 Options 选件
(1)Solenoid valve set 电磁阀组(图1-31)

图1-31 电磁阀组
表1-1 电磁阀组各零部件的名称

(2)Example of EMC noise filter installation 滤波器的安装连接(图1-32)

图1-32 滤波器的安装连接
(3)Teaching pendant(T/B) 示教单元的按键布置和主要功能(图1-33)

图1-33 示教单元的按键布置和主要功能
① [Emergency stop] switch—The robot servo turns OFF and the operation stops immediately.
② [Enable/Disable] switch—This switch changes the T/B key operation between enable and disable.
③ [Enable] switch—When the [Enable/Disable] switch“②”is enabled,and this key is released or pressed with force,the servo will turn OFF,and the operating robot will stop immediately.
④ LCD display panel—The robot status and various menus are displayed.
LCD 显示屏—显示机器人工作状态和各菜单。
⑤ Status display lamp —Display the state of the robot or T/B.
⑥[F1],[F2],[F3],[F4] —Execute the function corresponding to each function currently displayed on LCD.
⑦ [FUNCTION] key—Change the function display of LCD.
⑧ [STOP] key—This stops the program and decelerates the robot to a stop.
⑨ [OVRD↑][OVRD↓] key—Change moving speed. Speed goes up by [OVRD ↑] key. Speed goes down by [OVRD ↓] key.
⑩ [JOG] operation key—Move the robot according to jog mode,or input the numerical value.
[SERVO] key—Press this key with holding AA key lightly,then servo power will turn on.
[MONITOR] key—It becomes monitor mode and display the monitor menu.
[JOG] key—It becomes jog mode and display the jog operation.
[HAND] key—It becomes hand mode and display the hand operation.
[CHARCTER] key— This changes the edit screen,and changes between numbers and alphabetic characters.
[RESET] key— This resets the error. The program reset will execute,if this key and the EXE key are pressed.
[ ↑ ][ ↓ ][ ← ][ → ] key—Moves the cursor each direction.
[CLEAR] key — Erase the one character on the cursor position.
[EXE] key— Input operation is fixed. While pressing this key,the robot moves when direct mode.
[执行]键—应用发出操作执行指令。在按下[EXE] 键,机器人进入直接动作模式时,机器人动作。
Number/Character key— Erase the one character on the cursor position. And,inputs the number or character.
(4)Parallel I/O interface I/O卡(图1-34)

图1-34 I/O卡
(5)Connect of power supply 电源连接(图1-35)

图1-35 电源连接
(6)Connect of parallel I/O unit I/O单元的连接(图1-36)

图1-36 I/O 单元的连接样例