
四 结语
[1] 蒋小红,中国社会科学院国际法研究所研究员。
[2] 根据与其关系的紧密程度,欧盟与各国缔结了不同名称的自由贸易协定。欧盟与其候选国缔结的《稳定与联系协定》包含了自由贸易协定的内容。(参见蒋小红《欧盟对外贸易法与中欧贸易》,中国社会科学出版社2014年版,第255页。)
[3] Commission Staff Working Document Accompanying the Document “Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council,37th Annual Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the EU's Anti-Dumping,Anti-Subsidy and Safeguard Activities and the Use of Trade Defence Instruments by Third Countries Targeting the EU in 2018”,COM(2019)158 final.
[4] Regulation(EU)2017/2321 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 Amending Regulation(EU)2016/1036 on Protection against Dumped Imports from Countries Not Members of the European Union and Regulation(EU)2016/1037 on Protection against Subsidized Imports from Countries Not Members of the European Union,OJ L 338,19.12.2017,p.1;Regulation(EU)2018/825 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 Amending Regulation(EU)2016/1036 on Protection against Dumped Imports from Countries Not Members of the European Union and Regulation(EU)2016/1037 on Protection against Subsidised Imports from Countries Not Members of the European Union,OJ L 143,07.06.2018,p.1.
[5] 蒋小红:《中国“非市场经济待遇”之后倾销的计算方法——解析欧盟对外贸易救济立法的最新发展》,《国际法研究》2017年第4期。
[6] 所谓软法,通常是指那些原则上不具有法律约束力,但会产生实际效果的行为规则。参见F.Snyder,“The Effective of European Community Law:Institutions,Processes,Tools and Techniques,”Modern Law Review,Vol.56,No.1,1993,p.32.
[7] Joint Communication to the European Parliament,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee,the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank,“Connecting Europe and Asia—Building Blocks for an EU Strategy,”Brussels,19.9.2018 JOIN(2018)31 final.
[8] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions,“A Credible Enlargement Perspective for and Enhanced EU Engagement with the Western Balkans,”Strasbourg,6.2.2018 COM(2018)65 final.
[9] Joint Communication to the European Parliament,the European Council and the Council,“EU-China—A Strategic Outlook,”Strasbourg,JOIN(2019)5 final,12-03-2019.
[10] 王灏晨:《欧盟对中国—中东欧合作的态度、原因分析及我国的应对措施》,《发展研究》2018年第7期。
[11] Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council,“Elements for a New EU Strategy on China,”Brussels,22.6.2016,JOIN(2016)30 final.
[12] 房乐宪、关孔文:《欧盟对华新战略要素:政策内涵及态势》,《和平与发展》2017年第4期,第78页。
[13] 《第二十一次中国—欧盟领导人会晤联合声明》,参见网址:http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2019-04/09/c_1124345605.htm[EB/OL],最后访问日期:2019年5月10日。
[14] 它们是:匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、捷克、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、保加利亚、波兰、爱沙尼亚和希腊。
[15] 相比塞尔维亚与欧盟的贸易和欧盟对其的投资,中国的贸易和投资仅占很小的份额。其他中东欧国家也存在类似的情况。中国在中东欧17国的投资存量占比小于2%。
[16] Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council,“Elements for a New EU Strategy on China,”JOIN(2016)30 final,Brussels,22.6.2016.
[17] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the European Council,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions,“A New Industrial Strategy for Europe,”COM(2020)102 final,Brussels,10.3.2020.
[18] European Commission,“White Paper on Leveling the Playing Field as Regards Foreign Subsidies,”Brussels,17.6.2020 COM(2020)253 final.
[19] 1997年欧盟通过的《稳定和增长公约》规定了成员国财政赤字不得超过GDP的3%、国债不得超过GDP的60%的财政纪律。为应对新冠病毒肺炎疫情所带来的经济衰退,2020年3月23日,欧盟财长会议决定暂停实施这一规定。
[20] Regulation(EU)2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 Establishing a Framework for the Screening of Foreign Direct Investments into the Union OJ L 79.LI 79,21.3.2019.
[21] Guidance to the Member States concerning foreign direct investment and free movement of capital from third countries,and the protection of Europe's strategic assets,ahead of the application of Regulation(EU)2019/452(FDI Screening Regulation),Brussels,25.3.2020 C(2020)1981 final.