2.2 Symbols
2.2.1 Actions(loads and resistances):
N——Design value of axial force;
N1,N2——Factored axial forces on the two tubes in a dumbbell-shaped arch rib;
M——Design value of sectional moment;
M1,M2——Factored sectional moments on the two tubes in a dumbbell-shaped arch rib;
Ns——Design value of axial compressive force combination;
S——Design value of combination of actions;
R——Design value of resistance of a component;
R(·)——Load resistance function of a component;
V1——Design value of axial force of web truss.
2.2.2 Material properties:
(EA)sc——Design compressive stiffness of composite section of CFST arch rib;
(EI)sc——Design flexural stiffness of composite section of CFST arch rib;
(EA)sc1——Design compressive stiffness of gross section of CFST arch rib;
(EI)sc1——Design flexural stiffness of gross section of CFST arch rib;
(EA)sc2——Gross composite compressive stiffness of single tube CFST member;
(EI)sc2——Gross composite flexural stiffness of single tube CFST member;
Ec——Elastic modulus of concrete;
Es——Elastic modulus of steel;
fcd——Design compressive strength value of concrete;
fck——Characteristic compressive strength value of concrete;
fd——Design strength value of materials;
fvd——Design shear strength value of steel;
fs——Design tensile,compressive and bending strength values of steel;
ftd——Design tensile strength value of concrete;
ftk——Characteristic tensile strength value of concrete;
fy——Characteristic strength value of steel;
Gc——Shear modulus of concrete;
Gs——Shear modulus of steel;
N0——Design axial compressive strength of single tube CFST section;
N0′——Design axial compressive strength of single tube CFST section considering debonding;
Ni0——Design axial compressive strength of each CFST section in the arch rib;
N0i——Design axial compressive strength of the ith truss member in truss arch rib;
N01——Design compressive strength of eccentrically loaded single tube CFST member;
N02——Design stability resistance of eccentrically loaded single tube CFST member;
ND——Design compressive strength of dumbbell-shaped or laced CFST member;
ND1——Design compressive strength of eccentrically-loaded dumbbell-shaped or laced CFST member;
ND2——Design stability resistance of eccentrically-loaded dumbbell-shaped or laced CFST member;
Nif——Design compressive strength of connecting steel web plates that share loads with main CFST chords;
ftpk——Characteristic tensile strength of suspenders or ties;
α——Longitudinal thermal expansion coefficient of CFST arch rib subject to uniform temperature distribution on its section;
αs——Thermal expansion coefficient of steel;
αc——Thermal expansion coefficient of concrete;
ρs——Density of steel;
μc——Poissons ratio of concrete;
μs——Poissons ratio of steel;
σ——Stress in suspenders or ties;
σ0——Preloading stress of steel tube.
2.2.3 Geometric parameters:
ad——Design geometric parameter;
A——Converted area of CFST chord section;
Ab——Total sectional area of horizontal web trusses between adjacent joints;
Ac——Cross-sectional area of concrete core;
Ad——Total sectional area of diagonal web trusses between adjacent joints;
Afs——Cross-sectional area of connecting steel plate;
As——Cross-sectional area of steel tube;
Asc——Sectional area of CFST composite member;
As1——Cross-sectional area of steel tube in CFST arch rib;
Ac1——Cross-sectional area of concrete core in CFST arch rib;
ai——Distance from the center of individual CFST member to the virtual axis y-y in laced CFST column;
bi——Distance from the center of individual CFST member to the virtual axis x-x in laced CFST column;
D——Outer diameter of steel tube;
d——Diameter of suspenders or ties;
e0——Load eccentricity;
f——Rise of arch;
f1——Rise of arch above deck system;
h1——Central distance of two chords in bending plane of dumbbell-shaped or laced CFST column;
h2——Depth of web plate of dumbbell-shaped CFST section;
H——Depth of the cross section of arch rib;
r——Calculated radius of cross section;
i——Cross-sectional radius of gyration;
Ic——Second moment of area of concrete core section;
Is——Second moment of area of steel tube section;
Isc——Second moment of area of composite section of CFST;
Is1——Second moment of area of steel section;
Ic1——Second moment of area of concrete section;
l——Length of component;
L——Calculated span of arch bridge;
l0——Calculated length of component;
l01——Clear span of arch rib;
L0——Equivalent calculated length of arch rib;
Ld——Length of suspender;
Lz——Straight length of arch rib segment;
l0x——Calculated length of a component relative to axis X;
l0y——Calculated length of a component relative to axis Y;
l1——Distance between adjacent joints of laced CFST column;
l2——Longitudinal distance between stiffeners along the web plates of dumbbell-shaped arch rib;
rc——Radius of cross section of concrete core;
Sg——Length of arch axis;
t——Thickness of steel tube or initial setting time of concrete;
T——Calculated closure temperature;
T0——Additional temperature increase;
T28——Average air temperature during 28 days after filling of concrete;
εb——Bound eccentricity ratio;
θ——Angle between two adjacent arch rib segments;
Δ——Gap between branch tubes in a joint.
2.2.4 Coefficients in calculation and others:
β——Preloading ratio of steel tube;
ξ0,ξ——Design and characteristic confinement coefficients of CFST member,respectively;
ρ——Load eccentricity ratio;
ρc——Steel ratio of CFST section;
χ——Calculation coefficient;
μ——Slenderness coefficient;
μ0——Impact coefficient of vehicular load for CFST arch rib;
γ0——Importance coefficient of bridge structure;
η1——Sectional flexural stiffness ratio of individual CFST chord to the whole CFST member;
φ——Stability factor;
φe——Reduction factor of eccentricity ratio;
λ——Nominal slenderness ratio of CFST member;
λn——Relative slenderness ratio;
λ*——Converted slenderness ratio of laced CFST column;
λ1——Nominal slenderness ratio of individual chord of laced CFST column;
λx,λy——Nominal slenderness ratio of laced CFST column relative to X-axis and Y-axis,respectively;
a——Coefficient considering the effects of slenderness ratio when calculating the resistance of preloaded CFST members at ultimate limit state;
f0——Frequency of the first vertical mode of vibration of a CFST arch bridge;
kc——Reduction factor for creep of the load capacity of CFST member;
Kp——Influence factor for preloading ratio;
k1——Load factor;
k2——Traffic lane coefficient;
k3——Conversion coefficient of design axial compressive strength;
Kt——Reduction factor for load capacity of CFST with debonding;
K——Coefficient for converted slenderness ratio;
K′——Correction factor for converted slenderness ratio;
m——Coefficient considering the influence of eccentricity in calculating the resistance of preloaded CSFT member at ultimate limit state;
n——Number of chords in CFST truss arch rib;
V——Rated speed of transmission pump;
Q——Volume of filling concrete in tube.