About the Reviewers
Dr. Hari Shanker Gupta is a Quantitative Research Analyst working in the area of Algorithming Trading System Development. Prior to this, he was a Post Doctoral Fellow at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India. Hari has pursued his Ph.D. from Department of Mathematics, IISc, in the field of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation in the year 2010. Hari had completed his M.Sc. in Mathematics from Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.), Varanasi, India. During M.Sc., Hari was awarded four gold medals for his outstanding performance in B.H.U., Varanasi.
Hari has published five research papers in reputed journals in the field of Mathematics and Scientific Computation. He has experience of working in the areas of mathematics, statistics, and computations. These include the topics: numerical methods, partial differential equation, mathematical finance, stochastic calculus, data analysis, finite difference, and finite element method. He is very comfortable with the mathematics software, Matlab; the statistics programming language, R, and, the programming language, C, and has been recently working on the Python platform.
Ronald Hochreiter is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics, at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computational Management Science at the University of Vienna in 2005. He is an avid R user and develops R packages mainly for optimization modeling purposes as well as for applications in Finance. A summary of his R projects can be found at http://www.hochreiter.net/R/, and some of his tutorials on Financial Engineering with R are online at http://www.finance-r.com/.