Benefits of the login history
By using the login history feature, system administrators can track the user login information for the last 20 logins. The login history shows the following information:
- Login time
- Source IP
- Login Type
- Status (for example, success, failed, invalid password, and user is frozen)
- Browse Application
- Login URLs (for example, http://login.salesforce.com, http://help.salesforce.com, http://success.salesforce.com, and http://developer.salesforce.com)

If you want to download the last six months of the login history, you can download it as shown in the preceding screenshot. You can use the login history for use cases such as a user notifying the system administrator that they cannot log in to Salesforce. The best practice in this case is to go to the user detail page and investigate the issue via the login history.
If the username entered by the user is incorrect, then the issue will not come under the login history.