What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with NGUI, describes NGUI's functionalities and workflow. You will then import the plugin, create your first UI system, and study its structure.
Chapter 2, Creating NGUI Widgets, introduces you to your first widget and explains how to configure it. Then, it covers how to create a main menu.
Chapter 3, Enhancing Your UI, explains how to create draggable windows and scrollable text and use anchors intelligently. It also covers animations and localization with NGUI.
Chapter 4, C# with NGUI, introduces C# event methods used to create tooltips, tweens, and more through code, along with making the UI persistent through different scenes.
Chapter 5, Atlas and Font Customization, explains how to customize your UI using your own sprites and fonts, and we will modify the entire main menu's appearance.
Chapter 6, The In-game User Interface, introduces in-game 2D interface elements, such as displaying life gauges and player names above them, along with interactive buttons.
Chapter 7, 3D User Interface, covers how to add 3D widgets in the environment, such as a pause menu painted on the ground affected by the world's lighting effects.
Chapter 8, Going Mobile, teaches you how to prepare the project and fix mobile platform-specific issues so that our game runs perfectly on Android devices.
Chapter 9, Screen Sizes and Aspect Ratios, explains how you can ensure you'll have a beautiful user interface on all mobile devices even if they have different screen sizes.
Chapter 10, User Experience and Best Practices, discusses user interface design guidelines, user experience, and testing to help you improve your system's efficiency.