Mastering Ext JS(Second Edition)

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Sencha Ext JS Overview, introduces Sencha Ext JS and its capabilities. This chapter provides references that you can read before diving into the other chapters of this book. This is done taking into consideration the possibility that this is your first contact with the framework.

Chapter 2, Getting Started, introduces the application that is implemented throughout the book, its features, and the mockup of each screen and module (each chapter covers a different module), and also demonstrates how to create the structure of the application using Sencha Cmd and how to create a splash screen.

Chapter 3, The Login Page, explains how to create a login page with Ext JS and how to handle it on the server side and also shows some extra capabilities, such as adding the Caps Lock warning message and submitting the login page when pressing the Enter key.

Chapter 4, The Logout and Multilingual Capabilities, covers how to create the logout capability and also the client-side activity monitor timeout, which means if the user does not use the mouse or press any key on the keyboard, the system ends the session automatically and logs out. This chapter also provides an example of multilingual capability and shows how to create a component so that the user can use it to change the system's language and locale settings.

Chapter 5, Advanced Dynamic Menu, is about how to create a dynamic menu that depends on user permission. The options of the menu are rendered depending on whether the user has permission or not; if not, the option will not be displayed.

Chapter 6, User Management, explains how to create a screen to list all the users that already have access to the system.

Chapter 7, Static Data Management, covers how to implement a module where the user is able to edit information as though they were editing information directly from a MySQL table. This chapter also explores capabilities such as live search, filter, and inline editing (using the Cell Editing and Row Editing plugins). Also, we start exploring real-world issues when we develop big applications with Ext JS, such as the reuse of components throughout the application.

Chapter 8, Content Management, further explores the complexity of managing information from a table of the database and all its relationships with other tables. So we cover how to manage complex information and how to handle associations within data Grids and FormPanels.

Chapter 9, Adding Extra Capabilities, covers how to add features, such as printing and the ability to export to PDF and Excel, that are not supported natively by Ext JS. This chapter also covers charts and how to export them to image and PDF and also how to use third-party plugins.

Chapter 10, Routing, Touch Support, and Debugging, demonstrates how to enable routing in the project; it is also about debugging Ext JS applications, including what we need to be careful about and why it is very important to know how to debug. We also quickly talk about transforming Ext JS projects into mobile apps (responsive design and touch support), a few helpful tools that can help you in your daily work as a developer, and also a few recommendations of where to find extra and open source plugins to use in Ext JS projects.

Chapter 11, Preparing for Production and Themes, covers how to customize a theme and create custom UIs. It also explores the steps required for, and the benefits of, packaging the application to production.