About the Authors
Ian Grieve is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Microsoft Dynamics GP. He is also a certified Dynamics CRM consultant, specializing in the delivery of Microsoft Dynamics GP. He is the ERP Practice Manager at Perfect Image Ltd., a Microsoft partner, and VAR in the North-East of England, where he is responsible for the delivery, by his team, of all Dynamics GP projects.
Ian has worked with Microsoft Dynamics GP since 2003, and over the years, he has dealt with all aspects of the product's life cycle, ranging from presales, implementation, technical, and functional training post go-live support to subsequent upgrades and process reviews.
Ian is the author of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Financial Management by Packt Publisihing and Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow 2.0 and Implementing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Client by azurecurve Publishing. He is also the co-author of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Cookbook by Packt Publisihing. Additionally, he has produced the Microsoft Dynamics GP Techniques online learning course and was the technical reviewer for several books on Microsoft Dynamics CRM published by Packt Publishing, including Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Cookbook.
In his spare time, Ian runs the azurecurve blog, Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk), which is dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics GP and related products.
The most recent offshoot of running his blog is that Ian has started writing plugins to extend the functionality of the blogging platform, WordPress. A new site, azurecurve Development (http://development.azurecurve.co.uk), contains information about his plugins.
Thanks to my parents for their support through the years and to my employer, Perfect Image Ltd., for giving me the opportunity to work with clients in many different fields and, not least, for being open to me taking on outside projects such as this book and its predecessors.
I also owe thanks to all the clients I have worked with over the years, whose needs and questions have prompted me to learn ever more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, thereby putting me in a position to write this book.
Thanks to the technical reviewers, Leslie Vail and Jivtesh Singh, and fellow Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, for their valuable feedback, which helped make this book better.
And finally, thanks to Mark Polino, my co-author on this book and the author of the first edition. It was a pleasure working with him on this book.
Mark Polino is a Microsoft MVP for Business Solutions, a certified public accountant, and a Dynamics Credentials professional for Dynamics GP. He runs the premier Dynamics GP-related blog, DynamicAccounting.net. Mark has worked with Dynamics GP and its predecessor, Great Plains, for more than 15 years. He has worked as an author and co-author on five Dynamics GP-related books. He works as the Director of client services for Fastpath.