Service Worker Development Cookbook

Setting up SSL for Mac

As mentioned in the previous recipe, service workers are designed to run only across HTTPS. So, in order for us to test our code, we need our web pages to be delivered across HTTPS. In this recipe, we will cover getting your site set up with SSL support for Mac.

Getting ready

This recipe assumes that you are running OS X 10.11, El Capitan, or higher. We are going to use a command-line utility called Vim for editing files, which already comes with Mac. Make sure not to use the number pad with Vim. Please be aware that this process is lengthy.

How to do it...

Follow these instructions to enable SSL:

  1. First, we need to make sure Apache is running (you may get a prompt for a password):
    $ sudo apachectl start
  2. The next step is to make some modifications to your httpd.conf. Because it's a system file, you will need to use sudo again:
    $ sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  3. In this file, you should uncomment both socache_shmcb_module and ssl_module, and also the include the httpd-ssl.conf file by removing the leading # symbol on those lines (you can use / to search on the Vim editor):
    LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache2/
    LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache2/
    Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
  4. After saving the preceding file (press :wq), you should then open up your /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file:
    $ sudo vim /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
  5. Here, you can create a VirtualHost entry for each virtual host that you wish to provide SSL support for:
    <VirtualHost *:80>
           DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"
        ServerName localhost
        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile "/private/etc/apache2/localhost.crt"
        SSLCertificateKeyFile "/private/etc/apache2/localhost.key"

    Make sure you copy your development folder to the DocumentRoot directory as you did earlier: /Library/WebServer/Documents.

    To get this all to work with Apache, we need to create a self-signed certificate that we have already referenced in the VirtualHost definition.

  6. Generate a key:
    $ cd /etc/apache2
  7. Press Enter with no input after the following command:
    $ sudo openssl genrsa -out localhost-key.pem 1024
  8. Next, we have to generate a certificate signing request:
    $ sudo openssl req -new -key localhost-key.pem -out localhost.csr
  9. Using this certificate signing request (CSR), generate the certificate:
    $ sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey 
    localhost-key.pem -out localhost.crt
  10. Then we have to convert the key to a no-phrase key:
    $ sudo openssl rsa -in localhost-key.pem -out localhost.key
  11. Now change server.crt to localhost.crt as well as server.key to localhost.key:
    $ sudo vim /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
  12. All you need to do now is double check your Apache configuration syntax:
    $ sudo apachectl configtest
  13. If all goes well, restart Apache:
    $ sudo apachectl -k restart
  14. Now, simply point your browser at https://localhost. If you are prompted for a self-signed certificate in Chrome you can hit the Advanced option on that page and proceed, while in Firefox, you need to expand the I understand the risks options and add an exception. This is owing to the fact that the self-signed certificates are not signed by any authority, and for this reason the browsers add warnings about them. Although, since you are the one who created the certificate, you understand it's safe to accept it.
  15. To fix this, you need to add the certificate as a trusted root authority.
  16. Open the Keychain Access utility in OS X. Select the System option on the left. Click the lock icon in the upper-left corner to enable changes.
  17. Click the plus button at the bottom and select the /etc/apache2/localhost.cer file you copied to the desktop. In the dialog that comes up, click Always Trust. After the localhost gets added to the system keychain, double-click it to open it again. Expand the Trust section and for the first option, pick Always Trust.
  18. At this point, everything has been configured. Quit Chrome and all other browsers (this is required), fire up the web server, and try to navigate to the local HTTPS site again.


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