Ionic:Hybrid Mobile App Development

Popular issues faced and solutions

The development environment set up for Ionic Hybrid App development is a lengthy and cumbersome process. It is evident that you may face some issues in installing and setting up all these systems. This section mentions the most common and popular issues faced along with their solutions so that you do not get stuck somewhere:

  • Permission issue [Mac or Linux]: A lot of the time, the user you are logged in as does not have permission to alter files and directories while creating projects. This problem can occur in npm install commands and Ionic start commands.
    • Solution: Use a sudo keyword before any command to run in privileged mode.
  • Unable to find npm global modules: If you have installed a global npm package using -g flag but are unable to use it, you may need to add the npm directory to your path in order to invoke globally installed modules.
    • Solution: Add the npm directory location to your path. On Windows, npm can usually be found at C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm. On OS X and Linux it can usually be found at /usr/local/share/npm.
  • Git command-line tool not installed: For Cordova/Ionic plugins to work properly, it fetches code from git repositories.
  • "Failed to run 'android'" or "adb command not found": This means that the Android PATH has not been correctly set for this session. Please go to the Installing Android section and read how to set the path.
    • Solution: Set the PATH variable correctly.

If you face any other issues, please research online to find possible solutions for them.