How to do it...
The my_module addon module should already have a models/library_book.py defining a basic Model. We will edit it to add new fields:
- Use the minimal syntax to add fields to the Library Books model:
from odoo import models, fields class LibraryBook(models.Model): # ... short_name = fields.Char('Short Title') notes = fields.Text('Internal Notes') state = fields.Selection( [('draft', 'Not Available'), ('available', 'Available'), ('lost', 'Lost')], 'State') description = fields.Html('Description') cover = fields.Binary('Book Cover') out_of_print = fields.Boolean('Out of Print?') date_release = fields.Date('Release Date') date_updated = fields.Datetime('Last Updated') pages = fields.Integer('Number of Pages') reader_rating = fields.Float( 'Reader Average Rating', digits=(14, 4), # Optional precision (total, decimals), )
- All these fields support a few common attributes. As an example, we can edit the preceding pages field to add them:
pages = fields.Integer( string='Number of Pages', default=0, help='Total book page count', groups='base.group_user', states={'lost': [('readonly', True)]}, copy=True, index=False, readonly=False, required=False, company_dependent=False, )
- The Char fields support a few specific attributes. As an example, we can edit the short_name field to add them:
short_name = fields.Char( string='Short Title', size=100, # For Char only translate=False, # also for Text fields )
- The HTML fields also have specific attributes:
description = fields.Html( string='Description', # optional: sanitize=True, strip_style=False, translate=False, )
Upgrading the module will make these changes effective in the Odoo model.