Mobile forensic tool leveling system
Mobile phone forensic acquisition and analysis involves manual effort and the use of automated tools. There are a variety of tools that are available for performing mobile forensics. All the tools have their pros and cons, and it is fundamental that you understand that no single tool is sufficient for all purposes. So, understanding various types of mobile forensic tools is important for forensic examiners.
When identifying the appropriate tools for the forensic acquisition and analysis of mobile phones, a mobile device forensic tool classification system developed by Sam Brothers (shown in the following figure) comes in handy for examiners:

The objective of the mobile device forensic tool classification system is to enable an examiner to categorize forensic tools based on the examination methodology of the tool. Starting at the bottom of the classification and working upward, the methods and the tools generally become more technical, complex, and forensically sound, and require longer analysis times. There are pros and cons of performing an analysis at each layer. The forensic examiner should be aware of these issues and should only proceed with the level of extraction that is required. Evidence can be destroyed completely if the given method or tool is not properly utilized. This risk increases as you move up in the pyramid. Thus, proper training is required to obtain the highest success rate in data extraction from mobile devices.
Each existing mobile forensic tool can be classified under one or more of the five levels. The following sections contain a detailed description of each level.