Hands-On Automated Machine Learning


Featuretools (https://www.featuretools.com/) is a good library for automatically engineering features from relational and transactional data. The library introduces the concept called Deep Feature Synthesis (DFS). If you have multiple datasets with relationships defined among them such as parent-child based on columns that you use as unique identifiers for examples, DFS will create new features based on certain calculations, such as summation, count, mean, mode, standard deviation, and so on. Let's go through a small example where you will have two tables, one showing the database information and the other showing the database transactions for each database:

import pandas as pd

# First dataset contains the basic information for databases.
databases_df = pd.DataFrame({"database_id": [2234, 1765, 8796, 2237, 3398],
"creation_date": ["2018-02-01", "2017-03-02", "2017-05-03", "2013-05-12", "2012-05-09"]})


You get the following output:

The following is the code for the database transaction:

# Second dataset contains the information of transaction for each database id
db_transactions_df = pd.DataFrame({"transaction_id": [26482746, 19384752, 48571125, 78546789, 19998765, 26482646, 12484752, 42471125, 75346789, 16498765, 65487547, 23453847, 56756771, 45645667, 23423498, 12335268, 76435357, 34534711, 45656746, 12312987],
"database_id": [2234, 1765, 2234, 2237, 1765, 8796, 2237, 8796, 3398, 2237, 3398, 2237, 2234, 8796, 1765, 2234, 2237, 1765, 8796, 2237],
"transaction_size": [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 40, 60, 60, 10, 20, 60, 50, 40, 40, 30, 90, 130, 40, 50, 30],
"transaction_date": ["2018-02-02", "2018-03-02", "2018-03-02", "2018-04-02", "2018-04-02", "2018-05-02", "2018-06-02", "2018-06-02", "2018-07-02", "2018-07-02", "2018-01-03", "2018-02-03", "2018-03-03", "2018-04-03", "2018-04-03", "2018-07-03", "2018-07-03", "2018-07-03", "2018-08-03", "2018-08-03"]})


You get the following output:

The code for the entities is as follows:

# Entities for each of datasets should be defined
entities = {
"databases" : (databases_df, "database_id"),
"transactions" : (db_transactions_df, "transaction_id")

# Relationships between tables should also be defined as below
relationships = [("databases", "database_id", "transactions", "database_id")]


You get the following output for the preceding code: 

The following code snippet will create feature matrix and feature definitions:

# There are 2 entities called ‘databases’ and ‘transactions’

# All the pieces that are necessary to engineer features are in place, you can create your feature matrix as below

import featuretools as ft

feature_matrix_db_transactions, feature_defs = ft.dfs(entities=entities,

The following output shows some of the features that are generated:

Generated features using databases and transaction entities

You can see all feature definitions by looking at the following features_defs:


The output is as follows: 

This is how you can easily generate features based on relational and transactional datasets.