Implementing simulatePlan
The implementation for simulatePlan is straightforward; we call futureCapital twice with different arguments:
def simulatePlan(interestRate: Double,
nbOfMonthsSaving: Int, nbOfMonthsInRetirement: Int,
netIncome: Int, currentExpenses: Int, initialCapital:
Double) : (Double, Double) = {
val capitalAtRetirement = futureCapital(
interestRate = interestRate, nbOfMonths = nbOfMonthsSaving,
netIncome = netIncome, currentExpenses = currentExpenses,
initialCapital = initialCapital)
val capitalAfterDeath = futureCapital(
interestRate = interestRate, nbOfMonths = nbOfMonthsInRetirement,
netIncome = 0, currentExpenses = currentExpenses,
initialCapital = capitalAtRetirement)
(capitalAtRetirement, capitalAfterDeath)
Run RetCalcSpec again, and it should pass now. Feel free to experiment calling simulatePlan from the Scala Console with different values.