Getting Started with Kubernetes


We previously discussed how Kubernetes uses the service abstract as a means to proxy traffic to a backing pod that's distributed throughout our cluster. While this is helpful in both scaling and pod recovery, there are more advanced routing scenarios that are not addressed by this design.

To that end, Kubernetes has added an ingress resource, which allows for custom proxying and load balancing to a back service. Think of it as an extra layer or hop in the routing path before traffic hits our service. Just as an application has a service and backing pods, the ingress resource needs both an Ingress entry point and an ingress controller that perform the custom logic. The entry point defines the routes and the controller actually handles the routing. This is helpful for picking up traffic that would normally be dropped by an edge router or forwarded elsewhere outside of the cluster.

Ingress itself can be configured to offer externally addressable URLs for internal services, to terminate SSL, offer name-based virtual hosting as you'd see in a traditional web server, or load balance traffic. Ingress on its own cannot service requests, but requires an additional ingress controller to fulfill the capabilities outlined in the object. You'll see nginx and other load balancing or proxying technology involved as part of the controller framework.  In the following examples, we'll be using GCE, but you'll need to deploy a controller yourself in order to take advantage of this feature. A popular option at the moment is the nginx-based ingress-nginx controller.

An ingress controller is deployed as a pod which runs a daemon. This pod watches the Kubernetes apiserver/ingresses endpoint for changes to the ingress resource. For our examples, we will use the default GCE backend.