The global and nonlocal statements
Going back to the preceding example, we can alter what happens to the shadowing of the test name by using one of these two special statements: global and nonlocal. As you can see from the previous example, when we define test = 2 in the inner function, we overwrite test neither in the outer function nor in the global scope. We can get read access to those names if we use them in a nested scope that doesn't define them, but we cannot modify them because, when we write an assignment instruction, we're actually defining a new name in the current scope.
How do we change this behavior? Well, we can use the nonlocal statement. According to the official documentation:
Let's introduce it in the inner function, and see what happens:
# scoping.level.2.nonlocal.py
def outer():
test = 1 # outer scope
def inner():
nonlocal test
test = 2 # nearest enclosing scope (which is 'outer')
print('inner:', test)
print('outer:', test)
test = 0 # global scope
print('global:', test)
Notice how in the body of the inner function, I have declared the test name to be nonlocal. Running this code produces the following result:
$ python scoping.level.2.nonlocal.py
inner: 2
outer: 2
global: 0
Wow, look at that result! It means that, by declaring test to be nonlocal in the inner function, we actually get to bind the test name to the one declared in the outer function. If we removed the nonlocal test line from the inner function and tried the same trick in the outer function, we would get a SyntaxError, because the nonlocal statement works on enclosing scopes excluding the global one.
Is there a way to get to that test = 0 in the global namespace then? Of course, we just need to use the global statement:
# scoping.level.2.global.py
def outer():
test = 1 # outer scope
def inner():
global test
test = 2 # global scope
print('inner:', test)
print('outer:', test)
test = 0 # global scope
print('global:', test)
Note that we have now declared the test name to be global, which will basically bind it to the one we defined in the global namespace (test = 0). Run the code and you should get the following:
$ python scoping.level.2.global.py
inner: 2
outer: 1
global: 2
This shows that the name affected by the test = 2 assignment is now the global one. This trick would also work in the outer function because, in this case, we're referring to the global scope. Try it for yourself and see what changes, get comfortable with scopes and name resolution, it's very important. Also, could you tell what happens if you defined inner outside outer in the preceding examples?