Extending classes
We can also extend a previously existing class. To refer to the original constructor, use super(), and to refer to the parent's method, use super.method(); see the redefinition of .fullName() here:
// Source file: src/class_persons.js
class Developer extends Person {
constructor(first, last, language) {
super(first, last);
this.language = language;
fullName() {
// redefines the original method
return `${super.fullName()}, ${this.language} dev`;
let dd = new Developer("John", "Doe", "JS");
console.log(dd); // Developer {first: "John", last: "Doe", language: "JS"}
console.log(dd.initials()); // "JD"
console.log(dd.fullName()); // "John Doe, JS dev"
You are not limited to extending your own classes; you can also extend the JS ones, too:
// Source file: src/class_persons.js
class ExtDate extends Date {
fullDate() {
const months = [
return (
months[this.getMonth()] +
" " +
String(this.getDate()).padStart(2, "0") +
" " +
console.log(new ExtDate().fullDate()); // "MAY 01 2018"
If you don't need a special constructor, you can omit it; the parent's constructor will be called by default.