Additional browser add-ons that can be used to manage proxy settings
During a web application penetration test, requirements may arise to switch in and out of your proxy settings. There will be times when you may want to have a direct connection to the internet, while the rest of the time you may want your traffic to go through Burp.
There are scenarios as well where you may want all your traffic to go through Burp, except maybe google.com. In such cases, switching in and out of the browsers' proxy setting can easily become an unpleasant user experience.
For these reasons, there exist several add-ons/extensions for Firefox and Chrome that allow you to switch the browser's proxy setting to a different proxy at the click of an option.
Let's look at an add-on for Firefox called FoxyProxy, and an extension for Google Chrome called Proxy SwitchySharp.
For most extensions of this type that allow you to manage proxy settings, you should begin by setting your browser's proxy setting to No proxy, as shown in the following screenshot: