Unreal Engine 4.x Scripting with C++ Cookbook

How to do it...

In this recipe, we will see how to print in two different ways. First, we will be using FString::Printf():

  1.  Consider the variables you'd like to be printed into your string. Note what each variable type is.
  2. Open and take a look at a reference page of the printf format specifiers, such as http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/c/fprintf. For each variable you want to print, node what the specifier is. For example, %s for a formatted string.
  3. Try code such as the following:
FString name = "Tim"; 
int32 mana = 450; 
FString string = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Name = %s Mana = 
%d" ), *name, mana );

Notice how the preceding code block uses the format specifiers precisely like the traditional printf function does. In the preceding example, we used %s to place a string in the formatted string, and %d to place an integer in the formatted string. Different format specifiers exist for different types of variables, and you should look them up on a site such as cppreference.com.

It is also possible to print a string using FString::Format().

  1. Write code in the following form:
FString name = "Tim"; 
int32 mana = 450; 
TArray< FStringFormatArg > args; 
args.Add( FStringFormatArg( name ) ); 
args.Add( FStringFormatArg( mana ) ); 
FString string = FString::Format( TEXT( "Name = {0} Mana =
{1}" ), args );

UE_LOG( LogTemp, Warning, TEXT( "Your string: %s" ),
*string );

With FString::Format(), instead of using correct format specifiers, we use simple integers and a TArray of FStringFormatArg instead. FstringFormatArg helps FString::Format() deduce the type of variable to put in the string. Refer to the following screenshot:

No matter which method you use, upon calling UE_LOG and you will get the same output.