The FireMonkey components have an owner, parent, and children. If you put any component on a form, it becomes the owner and parent of the component.
Using properties such as Position, Align, Margins, and Padding with anchors, you will turn your app in to a responsive application.
To achieve rich interfaces using TLayout, use more than one layout and the organization properties of the child controls in the layouts.
If everything went well here, you will have a form as shown in the following screenshot:

Try creating new views and see the resulting alignment. This is the basic principle for developing a responsive application in FireMonkey.
If you want to view the format with the screen rotated, there is a button to rotate the screen. With this, you can view the layout on the screen in a different format as shown in the following screenshot:

Look at the different types of layouts and their characteristics. For project types where you need to insert many components, use the ScrollBox so you can have a scrolling effect on your form.