Classifying text with language models
Text classification is an application of classification algorithms. However, the text is a combination of words in a specific order. Hence, you can observe that a text document with a class variable is not similar to the dataset that we presented in the table in the Classification algorithms section.
A text dataset can be represented as shown in the following table:
Table 2: Example of a Twitter dataset

For this chapter, we have built a dataset based on tweets from two different accounts. We also have provided code in the following sections so that you can create your own datasets to try this example. Our purpose is to build a smart application that is capable of predicting the source of a tweet just by reading the tweet text. We will collect several tweets by the United States Republican Party (@GOP) and the Democratic Party (@TheDemocrats) to build a model that can predict which party wrote a given tweet. In order to do this, we will randomly select some tweets from each party and submit them through the model to check whether the prediction actually matched reality.