About the reviewer
Katax Emperore first encountered digital games when he got the Fire Attack series by Nintendo. One game stuck with him, a platform-based game called Shadow of the Beast by Psygnosis. He designs, develops, and teaches game design and programming. The Amiga platform created a high-quality gaming experience supported by an advanced architecture. It was a popular computer with real stereo sound, supported by advanced Direct Memory Access technology. He learned many aspects of programming, multitasking, DMA, interactive applications, I/O port mappings, graphic design, and 3D programming. When Microsoft introduced Windows 98, he learned programming, and 3D and graphic design, which led him to dedicate his education and career to the IT industry.
I am grateful to John Carmack, from id Software, for his efforts and great work on 3D graphic programming. What he invented back in 90's was the beginning of the wonderful genre of first-person shooter games. Also, I would like to thank Westwood Studios for introducing the Command and Conquer series to the gaming world. This game pioneered many aspects of modern real-time strategy games, which later powered many sub-genres in this area as well.