Unity Game Optimization

Verifying script presence

Sometimes, there are things we expect to see, but don't. These are usually easy to spot because the human brain is very good at pattern recognition and spotting differences we didn't expect. However, there are also times where we assume that something has been happening, but it didn't. These are generally more difficult to notice, because we're often scanning for the first kind of problem, and we’re assuming that the things we don't see are working as intended. In the context of Unity, one problem that manifests itself this way is verifying that the scripts we expect to be operating are actually present in the scene.

Script presence can be quickly verified by typing the following into the Hierarchy window textbox:

t:<monobehaviour name>

For example, typing t:mytestmonobehaviour (note that it is not case-sensitive) into the Hierarchy textbox will show a shortlist of all GameObjects that currently have at least one MyTestMonoBehaviour script attached as a component.

Note that this shortlist feature also includes any GameObjects with components that derive from the given script name.

We should also double check that the GameObjects they are attached to are still enabled, since we may have disabled them during earlier testing since someone or something may have accidentally deactivated the object.