Preparing to work on the helmet
Let's take a moment to prepare for working on the helmet. In a typical 3D workflow, we edit one object at a time. We can use a special view mode called Local View to temporarily hide all of the other objects in the scene. Let's do this now:
- Select the Viking Helmet object.
- Look at the header of the 3D Viewport and find the View menu at the top-left.
- Click on the View menu to open it and choose Local View | Toggle Local View, as shown here:
- Open the Object menu in the top-left of the 3D Viewport header.
- Choose Clear | Location, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Press the tilde ~ key to bring up the View pie menu and choose the View Selected option to frame the helmet in the Viewport.
The clear location operation has moved the helmet to the center of the grid, which will make it easier to work on. Lastly, let's turn off the Random Colors so that we can see the helmet's material colors. We'll do this from the Viewport Shading pop-up menu:
- Look at the header of the 3D Viewport and find the four circle-shaped icons in the top-right corner.
- Click the little downward-facing arrow to the right of the four circles to open the Viewport Shading pop-up menu.
- Change the Color option from Random to Material by clicking on the Material button, as shown in the following screenshot:
There are many ways to customize the Viewport's shading in Blender 2.8. At the end of this chapter, we'll take look at how powerful this feature can be for creating a final high-quality image. But for now, we're ready to make some changes to the Viking helmet!