1 Blockchain 101
It is very likely that if you are reading this book, you already have heard about blockchain and have some fundamental appreciation of its enormous potential. If not, then let me tell you that this is a technology that has promised to positively alter the existing paradigms of nearly all industries including, but not limited to, the IT, finance, government, media, medical, and law sectors.
This chapter is an introduction to blockchain technology, its technical foundations, the theory behind it, and various techniques that have been combined together to build what is known today as blockchain.
In this chapter, the theoretical foundations of distributed systems are described first. Next, the precursors of Bitcoin are presented. Finally, blockchain technology is introduced. This approach is a logical way of understanding blockchain technology, as the roots of blockchain are in distributed systems and cryptography. We will be covering a lot of ground quickly here, but don't worry—we will go over a great deal of this material in much greater detail as you move throughout the book.