Ⅲ Language Focus
A. Personal Pronouns

· First person pronouns
You can strengthen your impersonal tone and establish credibility by removing first person pronouns in academic writing.
· Second person pronouns
Second person pronouns are seldom used in academic writing unless you give instructions.
· Third person pronouns
Third person pronouns sound more objective and convincing, so they are safer and more widely used in academic writing.
1 Rewrite the following sentences to make them more academic by avoiding first and second person pronouns.
1) I think that the methodology section is a hugely important part of your research proposal.
2) When you review literature, you should be aware that you need to identify existing gaps that your research intends to fill.
3) I chose this method because it was less complex.
4) My reading has shown that there are several reasons why plants are dispersed by ants.
5) The review of recent related literature could help you discover the latest facilities that are more efficient than earlier existing ones in carrying out your work.
6) I also found that the results of this study concurred with Berg's (1975) hypothesis that seeds are protected from fire through their burial in ants nests.
2 Rewrite the following paragraphs to make them more academic by avoiding first and second person pronouns.
For our project we decided to check out the impact of two simple actions aimed at getting more female employees to use the stairs at a five-floor worksite. The first thing we did was that we put up a health sign that linked stair use to health and fitness. And the second thing was an e-mail which we asked the worksite doctor to send out. We asked him to point out how regular stair use could be really good for general fitness. We did the research by checking things out in four states: a baseline week, the week after the sign, the week after the e-mail and then three weeks after that.
We were really pleased that stair use went up a lot in the week after the sign, from a baseline of 69% to 77%, and then up again to 89% after the e-mail. Unfortunately, four weeks after the e-mail was sent out, stair use went down to 67% and we were very disappointed about that. We had expected these simple actions to lead to more stair use, but we didn't think the positive effect would've vanished after a month. So it's really difficult to make any recommendations based on our evidence.
B. Nominalization
The word “nominalization” defines itself, since it is itself an example of a nominalization. When you turn a verb or an adjective into a noun, you nominalize it, creating a nominalization. Nominalization types differ according to the level of organization at which the nominalization takes place. Three types of nominalizations can be distinguished:nominalizations at the level of the word (e.g. reject, rejection), nominalizations which nominalize a structure that lies in between a verb and an object (e.g. Sam's rejection of the budget) and finally, nominalizations consisting of full clauses (e.g. Failure could result in rejection of the budget.).
1 Write down the noun form of the words in the following table.

2 Rewrite the following sentences to make them more academic by using nominalization.
1) Many children experience worries when they go to school for the first time.
2) Crime was increasing rapidly and the police were becoming concerned.
3) Elephants argue over small concerns, just like humans.
4) We need to know which parts of our library are being used most extensively so that we can project what resources are most needed.
5) I know English well. I worked for three years in a factory in Shanghai. I think I am good enough for the job.
3 Rewrite the following paragraph to make it more academic by using nominalization.
Because only a few people have most of the money and power in Australia, I conclude that it is not an equal society. Society has an upper, middle and lower class and I think that most people when they are born into one class, end up staying in that class for their whole life. When all three classes are looked at more closely, other things such as the differences between the sexes and people's racial backgrounds also add to the unequal nature of Australian society.