The growth of the use of English /as the world's primary language for international communication/has obviously been continuing/for several decades.
1. primary,形容词,表示“首要的”和“主要的”。
“首要的”和“主要的”:You use primary to describe something that is very important.
2. decade,名词,表示“十年”。
“十年”:A decade is a period of ten years, especially one that begins with a year ending in 0, for example 1980 to 1989.
1. as the world's primary language for international communication是本句主语the growth of the use of English的状语,考虑到主语较长,所以可以单独成句。
2. the growth…has been continuing是本句的主干,在翻译时,并没有直接翻译为“增长在继续”,因为这样比较生硬,翻译为“不断增长”会更好一些。
But/even/as the number of English speakers expands further/there are signs/that the global predominance of the language may fade/within the foreseeable future.
1. expand,动词,表示“扩大”和“增加”。
“扩大”和“增加”:If something expands or is expanded, it becomes larger.
2. predominance,名词,表示“主导地位”和“优势地位”。
“主导地位”和“优势地位”:If someone or something has predominance, they have the most power or importance among a group of people or things.
3. fade,动词,表示“(使)褪色”和“(使)变暗淡”或是“变得不为人注意”和“变得无关紧要”。
“(使)褪色”和“(使)变暗淡”:When a colored object fades or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler.
“变得不为人注意”和“变得无关紧要”:If someone or something fades, for example, into the background, they become hardly noticeable or very unimportant.
4. foreseeable,形容词,表示“可预知的”和“可预见的”。
“可预知的”和“可预见的”:If a future event is foreseeable, you know that it will happen or that it can happen, because it is a natural or obvious consequence of something else that you know.
1. as the number of English speakers expands further是as引导的伴随状语,翻译为“随着”比较贴切。
2. there are signs that是that引导的同位语从句,因为从句的先行词signs有动词词根,所以用“重译法”,翻译为“有迹象表明”更贴切。
Complex international,economic,technological and cultural changes/could start to diminish the leading position of English /as the language of the world market, /and UK interests /which enjoy advantage from the breadth of English usage/would consequently face new pressures.
1. diminish,动词,表示“减小”和“减弱”或是“贬低”和“轻视”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“减小”和“减弱”:When something diminishes, or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.
“贬低”和“轻视”:If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are.
2. breadth,名词,表示“宽度”或是“广度”和“广泛性”,本句选用后者的意思较为准确。
“宽度”:The breadth of something is the distance between its two sides.
“广度”和“广泛性”:The breadth of something is its quality of consisting of or involving many different things.
3. consequently,副词,表示“所以”和“结果”。
“所以”和“结果”:Consequently means as a result.
1. as the language of the world market是English的方式状语,所以放在句中翻译比较合适。
2. which enjoy advantage from the breadth of English usage是定语从句,修饰UK interests,从句较长,可以用后置译法。
3. the breadth of English usage中的breadth是抽象名词,可以理解为“广泛性”,也可以和usage联合翻译为“广泛地使用”。
Those realistic possibilities are highlighted/in the study presented by David Graddol.
1. highlight,动词,表示“强调”和“注意”。
“强调”和“注意”:If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.
2. David Graddol,大卫·格兰多(1953年出生)是英国语言学家,从事应用语言学、社会语言学和语言学历史的研究,最著名的书是《英语的未来》,这篇文章也选自于此书。
1. Those realistic possibilities are highlighted是被动语态的翻译,可以用“被动变主动”的译法。
2. the study presented by David Graddol中的presented是过去分词做定语的用法,相当于定语从句,从句较短,可以用前置译法。
His analysis should/therefore/end any self-contentedness among those/who may believe/that the global position of English is so stable /that the young generations of the United Kingdom do not need additional language capabilities.
因此,大卫·格兰多(David Graddol)的分析可能会终结某些人的自足之感,这些人认为,英语在全世界的地位十分稳定,英国的这一代年轻人不需要再学习其他语言。
1. self-contentedness的词根是content,表示“满足的”和“知足的”或是“满意的”和“惬意的”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“满足的”和“知足的”:If you are content with something, you are willing to accept it, rather than wanting something more or something better.
“满意的”和“惬意的”:If you are content, you are fairly happy or satisfi ed.
2. capability,名词,表示“能力”和“素质”或是“(国家的)军事力量”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“能力”和“素质”:If you have the capability or the capabilities to do something, you have the ability or the qualities that are necessary to do it.
“(国家的)军事力量”:A country's military capability is its ability to fi ght in a war.
1. therefore是插入语,表示“所以”,可以提到句首翻译。
2. who may believe that the global position of English is so stable that the young generations of the United Kingdom do not need additional language capabilities是定语从句,修饰those,从句较长,可以用后置译法。
3. the global position of English is so stable that the young generations of the United Kingdom do not need additional language capabilities是so that引导的表示结果的状语从句,可以断句翻译。
David Graddol concludes/that monoglot English graduates face a bleak economic future/as qualified multilingual youngsters from other countries/are proving to have competitive advantage over their British counterparts/in global companies and organizations.
大卫·格兰多(David Graddol)认为,只会一种语言的英国大学毕业生经济前景堪忧,因为别的国家会多种语言的年轻人比这些英国年轻人在全球性的公司和组织中具有竞争性的优势。
1. monoglot,名词,表示“使用单一语言的人”。
“使用单一语言的人”:I am a monoglot, while most people I know are not.
2. bleak,形容词,表示“没有希望的”和“前景黯淡的”或是“荒凉的”和“萧瑟的”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“没有希望的”和“前景黯淡的”:If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and seems unlikely to improve.
“荒凉的”和“萧瑟的”:If you describe a place as bleak, you mean that it looks cold,empty, and unattractive.
3. qualified,形容词,表示“有资格的”和“合格的”或是“有限度的”和“有保留的”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“有资格的”和“合格的”:Someone who is qualified has passed the examinations that they need to pass in order to work in a particular profession.
“有限度的”和“有保留的”:If you give someone or something qualified support or approval, your support or approval is not total because you have some doubts.
4. counterpart,名词,表示“(职务上)对应的人”和“对应的事物”。
“(职务上)对应的人”和“对应的事物”:Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.
1. as qualifi ed multilingual youngsters from other countries是as引导的表示原因的状语从句,翻译为“因为”更加合适。
Alongside that,/many countries are introducing English into the primary-school curriculum/but British school children and students do not appear to be gaining greater encouragement /to achieve fluency in other languages.
1. curriculum,名词,表示“学校、学院或大学的全部课程”。
“学校、学院或大学的全部课程”:A curriculum is all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university.
2. fl uency,名词,表示“流利”和“流畅”。
“流利”和“流畅”:His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fl uency.
1. introducing在句中的理解特别重要,翻译为“介绍”肯定错误,翻译为“引进”才更加准确。
If left to themselves, /such trends will diminish the relative strength of the English language in international education markets /as the demand for educational resources in languages, /such as Spanish,Arabic or Mandarin grows/and international business process outsourcing in other languages /such as Japanese, French and German, /spreads.
1. mandarin,名词,表示“汉语普通话”。
“汉语普通话”:Mandarin is the commonly-used language of China.
2. outsource,动词,表示“外包”和“外购”。
“外包”和“外购”:If a company outsources work or things, it pays workers from outside the company to do the work or supply the things.
1. as the demand for educational resources in languages是as引导的表示原因的状语从句,注意句与句之间的关系。
2. outsourcing in other languages是现在分词outsourcing做定语,修饰international business process,相当于定语从句,从句较短,可以用前置译法。
The changes/identified by Davis Graddol/all present clear and major challenges to the UK's providers of English language teaching /to people of other countries and to broader education business sectors.
大卫·格兰多(David Graddol)发现的这些变化给英国的英语教学工作者带来了巨大而又清晰的挑战,而这些英语教学工作是面向其他国家或是更为广泛的商业教育机构的。
1. identify,动词,表示“认出”和“识别”或是“发现”和“发觉”,本句选用后者的意思较为准确。
“认出”和“识别”:If you can identify someone or something, you are able to recognize them or distinguish them from others.
“发现”和“发觉”:If you identify something, you discover or notice its existence.
2. challenge,动词或是名词,表示“挑战”和“难题”或是“质疑”和“怀疑”,本句选用名词的含义较为准确。
“挑战”和“难题”:A challenge is something new and diffi cult which requires great effort and determination.
“质疑”和“怀疑”:A challenge to something is a questioning of its truth or value. A challenge to someone is a questioning of their authority.
1. identifi ed by Davis Graddol是过去分词identifi ed做定语,修饰the changes,相当于定语从句,从句较短,可以用前置译法。
2. to people of other countries and to broader education business sectors是前面English language teaching的对象,因为较长,可以单独成句,然后增加主语。
The English language teaching sector directly earns nearly £1.3 billion for the UK in invisible exports/and our other education exports related earn up to £10 billion a year more.
1. invisible,形容词,表示“看不见的”和“隐形的”或是“非贸易的”和“无形的”,本句选用后者的意思较为准确。
“看不见的”和“隐形的”:If you describe something as invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because it is transparent, hidden, or very small.
“非贸易的”和“无形的”:In economics, invisible earnings are the money that a country makes as a result of services such as banking and tourism, rather than by producing goods.
1. related是过去分词,在句中做后置定语修饰our other education exports,翻译时需要前置。
As the international education market expands, /the recent slowdown in the numbers of international students studying /in the main English-speaking countries is likely to continue, /especially if there are no effective strategic policies to prevent such slippage.
1. slowdown,名词,表示“放缓”和“放慢”或是“怠工”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“放缓”和“放慢”:A slowdown is a reduction in speed or activity.
“怠工”: A slowdown is a protest in which workers deliberately work slowly and cause problems for their employers.
2. strategic,形容词,表示“战略的”和“策略的”或是“(位置上)重要的”和“合适的”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“战略的”和“策略的”:Strategic means relating to the most important, general aspects of something such as a military operation or political policy, especially when these are decided in advance.
“(位置上)重要的”和“合适的”:If you put something in a strategic position, you place it cleverly in a position where it will be most useful or have the most effect.
3. slippage,名词,表示“下降”和“下跌”。
“下降”和“下跌”:Slippage is a failure to maintain a steady position or rate of progress, so that a particular target or standard is not achieved.
1. the recent slowdown in the numbers of international students studying in the main English-speaking countries is likely to continue直译为“在主要英语国家学习的国际学生的数量最近下降有可能会继续”,这样翻译显然不通顺,所以将“继续”和“下降”合译,译文则成为“在主要英语国家学习的国际学生的数量有可能会继续减少”。
2. especially if there are no effective strategic policies to prevent such slippage是if引导的条件状语从句,状语从句是“废话”,所以可以放在主语之前翻译。
The anticipation of possible shifts in demand/provided by this study/is significant.
1. anticipation,名词,表示“预期”和“预料”。
“预期”和“预料”:Anticipation is a feeling of excitement about something pleasant or exciting that you know is going to happen.
2. shift,动词,表示“(意见、情况、政策)有所变化”或是“推卸”和“推诿(责任)”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“(意见、情况、政策)有所变化”:If someone's opinion, a situation, or a policy shifts or is shifted, it changes slightly.
“推卸”和“推诿(责任)”:If someone shifts the responsibility or blame for something onto you, they unfairly make you responsible or make people blame you for it, instead of them.
3. in demand,副词词组,表示“所需要地”。
“所需要地”:He was much in demand as a lecturer in the US.
1. the anticipation of中的anticipation是典型的抽象名词,有动词词根,可以翻译为动词“预测”。
2. the anticipation of possible shifts in demand by this study是本句的主语,主语过长,可以单独成句,后面用“这一点”来代替整个句子。
3. provided by the study是过去分词做定语,相当于定语从句,从句较短,可以用前置译法。
It gives a basis to all organizations/which seek to promote the learning and use of English/a basis for planning to meet the possibilities /of what could be a very different operating environment.
1. promote,动词,表示“促进”和“增进”或是“促销”和“推广”,本句选用前者的意思较为准确。
“促进”和“增进”:If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread.
“促销”和“推广”:If a fi rm promotes a product, it tries to increase the sales or popularity of that product.
2. operating,形容词,表示“经营的”和“业务上的”。
“经营的”和“业务上的”:Operating profits and costs are the money that a company earns and spends in carrying out its ordinary trading activities, in contrast to such things as interest and investment.
1. 句首it是代词,代词需要指明要点,指代上文中的anticipation,所以要翻译为“这一预测”。
2. which seek to promote the learning and use of English是定语从句,修饰organization,从句较长,可以用后置译法。
3. the learning and use of中的learning和use是典型的抽象名词,有动词词根,可以翻译为动词“学习和使用”。
4. a basis for planning to meet the possibilities of what could be a very different operating environment实际上是前面句子中a basis的同位语,因为a basis后面的定语较长,所以放在句子后部形成同位语。
5. of what could be a very different operating environment是possibilities的同位语,用来说明possibilities的内容。
That is a necessary and practical approach./In this/as in much else,/those who/wish to infl uence the future must prepare for it.
1. practical,形容词,表示“实际的”和“实用的”。
“实际的”和“实用的”:The practical aspects of something involve real situations and events, rather than just ideas and theories.
2. approach,动词或是名词,表示“走近”和“接近”或是“方法”和“手段”,本句选用名词的含义较为准确。
“走近”和“接近”:When you approach something, you get closer to it.
“方法”和“手段”:Your approach to a task, problem, or situation is the way you deal with it or think about it.
1. who wish to infl uence the future是定语从句,修饰those,从句较短,可以用前置译法。