5.6 Erecting
5.6.1 The allowable deviation of the column bottom axis relative to the positioning axis shall not be larger than 3mm.
Sample size:100%.
Check method:Measuring with theodolite and steel ruler.
5.6.2 When the foundation top surface is directly used as the support surface of column,or the embedded steel plate or bearing of the foundation top surface is used as the support surface of column,the allowable deviations of its support surface and the foundation bolt/anchor bolt position shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures.
Sample size:10% of column foundations,and at least 3 pieces.
Check method:Measuring withtheodolite,level gauge,tacheometry,levelling ruler and steel ruler.
5.6.3 The allowable deviation of verticality of the single section column shall be h/1000 and not larger than 10mm,thereof h is the height of the single section column.
Sample size:100% for standard columns;10% for nonstandard columns,and at least 3 pieces.
Check method:Measuring with tacheometry,theodolite and steel ruler.
5.6.4 The allowable deviations of the installation of steel platform,steel ladder and guard rail shall comply with the requirements in Table E.0.4 of Appendix E of current national standard GB 50205-2001 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures.
Sample size:10% of steel platforms,10% of total length of rail and steel ladder,but at least 1 steel platform,not less than 5m of rail and at least 1 section of steel ladder.
Check method:Measuring with the odolite,level gauge,suspension wire and steel ruler.
5.6.5 Installation of steel structures of the bodies of walking beam type furnace and rotary hearth furnace shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB 50386 Code for Acceptance of Engineering Installation for Mechanical Equipment of Rolling Mill.