Task 2 To describe the woolen&worsted spinning process描述毛粗纺和精纺加工过程
General information Wool spinning毛纺
Wool spinning systems are processes that spin wool,and manmade fibers cut to the length of wool,into yarns by either the woolen or the worsted process.Woolen yarns are carded and spun;worsted yarns are carded,combed,drawn,and spun.Wool fibers are sorted and scoured as part of preliminary processing;the other fibers are not.
Sorting and Scouring
Each(previously graded)fleece is opened carefully at the mill,and expert graders pull it apart.The fibers are separated according to spinning qualities:fineness,length,and trash.Extremely long,coarse wools are classified as carpet wool.Fairly long fibers are classified as combing wools and are reserved for sheer wool fabrics and worsteds.Fibers shorter than 5 cm(2.5 in.)are used in woolens.
The sorted wool is scoured with water and detergent or with solvent to remove the natural grease or oil and water-soluble impurities from the fiber.The oil that is removed is recovered and sold as lanolin.The fiber is rinsed thoroughly,then dried and sprayed with a lubricant for ease in processing.
Some wool is carbonized to remove the vegetable matter,such as burrs,twigs,and leaves,trapped in the fleece.The fiber is treated with a dilute sulfuric or hydrochloric acid solution or with salts that become acids when heated.Then the fiber is heated to around 95℃(200℉)to char the vegetable matter without harming the wool.The wool is then passed through a series of rollers that crush the carbonized materials and shake it out of the fiber.
Woolen system
Fibers from several lots are combined and delivered to the wool carding machine.Although the equipment is different,the process is similar to that used for short-staple carding.Wool cards have card cloth with longer wires,and there are usually several carding cylinders operating in tandem.The fibers are pulled onto the card,where the fiber assemblage is opened up and some trash is removed.Short fibers are left in because they are needed to impart some felting qualities to wool fabrics.As the fibers are pulled from the card as roving,or roping,they are somewhat straightened out and made parallel.
The roving(roping)goes directly to the spinning frame,where it is drawn out to the desired diameter,twist is inserted,and the spun yarn is wound onto a spinning bobbin.As with cotton yarns,the yarn is then rewound on packages suitable for knitting or weaving.
Because no separate drafting operation occurs in woolen yarn processing,the yarns have less fiber orientation than carded short-staple yarns produced on cotton-spinning systems.They are characterized by nonuniformity,bulk,and a rough,hairy surface.Woolen system can be summarized as Fig.2.9.

Fig.2.9 Woolen system
Worsted system
For worsted yarns,the wool fibers are carded just as for woolen yarns.The card sliver is processed through a comber to remove short fibers and any remaining foreign matter and to produce a parallel alignment.The short fibers,which are removed to reduce felting,are called noils.The strand containing the long fibers is referred to as top.Worsted yarns have a relatively smooth,even surface and compact structure.Worsted system can be summarized as Fig.2.10.


Fig.2.10 Worsted system
Semi-worsted spinning
The designation semi-worsted means that the worsted process is followed with the exception that there is no combing stage.Instead of combed top,the drawframes are fed with card silver.
Semi-worsted are character between woolen and worsted yarns.Usually they are made from course fibers and are quite hairy,but they are also quite regular due to the doubling and drafting.
New Words and Expressions
worsted 精纺
woolen yarns 粗纺毛纱
worsted yarns 精纺毛纱
sort 分级,选毛
preliminary 初加工
grade 分级
fleece 羊毛,套毛
coarse wools 粗羊毛
fairly long 比较长的
sheer wool fabrics 薄型毛织物
worsteds 精纺毛织物
detergent 清洁剂
solvent 助剂
grease 油脂
water-soluble 水溶性
recover 储存起来
lanolin 羊毛脂
rinsed 冲洗
spray 喷洒
lubricant 润滑剂
carbonize 炭化
burr 草刺
twig 小树枝
trap 缠绕
dilute 稀释的,淡的
sulfuric acid 硫酸
hydrochloric acid 盐酸
char 烧焦
harm 损伤
crush 压碎
shake 震动,抖动
lots 批号
short-staple carding 梳棉机
wool cards 梳毛机
card cloth 金属针布
in tandem 一前一后
assemblage 集合体
orientation 取向
nonuniformity 不均匀
bulk 膨松
rough 粗糙
hairy 毛绒
foreign matter 杂质
parallel alignment 平行排列
felting 毡缩
noils 精短毛
top 毛条
1.The roving(roping)goes directly to the spinning frame,where it is drawn out to the desired diameter,twist is inserted,and the spun yarn is wound onto a spinning bobbin.
2.Because no separate drafting operation occurs in woolen yarn processing,the yarns have less fiber orientation than carded short-staple yarns produced on cotton-spinning systems.
1.What are the basic wool spinning processes?
2.What are the differences between woolen yarns and worsted yarns?