Mini drama
Rehearse the mini drama after class and perform it in the next class.
Scene I
(Exterior,waterfall,day.Pocahontas stalks John Smith.)
John Smith:No,wait!Please!Please!Don’t run off.It’s all right,I’m not gonna hurt you.Here,let me help you out of there.
Pocahontas:Mat-ta-que na-to-rath.
John Smith:You don’t understand a word I’m saying,do you?It’s all right.
(Wind Spirit:Ay ay ay na ay ay na)
(Grandmother Willow(off-screen):Listen with your heart;You will understand;Let it break upon you;Like a wave upon the sand.)
John Smith:Who are you?
(Grandmother Willow(off-screen):Listen with your heart;You will understand.)
John Smith:What?What did you say?
Pocahontas:My name is Pocahontas.
John Smith:I’m John Smith.
Scene II
(Exterior,a riverside,day.)
John Smith:It’s called a helmet.
John Smith:So,what river is this?
John Smith:You have most unusual names here.Chicahominy.Quiyough-Quiyoughcohannock.Pocahontas.
Pocahontas:You have the most unusual name,too.John Smith.
John Smith:(pulling Meeko out of his bag)Hey!Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?
John Smith:Well,how do you do,Meeko?It’s all right,it’s just a handshake.Here,let me show you.
Pocahontas:Nothing’s happening.
John Smith:No,no,I need your hand first.It’s how we say hello.
Pocahontas:This is how we say hello.Wingapo.
John Smith:Wingapo.
Pocahontas:And how we say goodbye.Ana.
John Smith:I like hello better.(Flit charges at him.)Yeah,I remember you.
Pocahontas:Flit just doesn’t like strangers.
John Smith:But I’m not a stranger anymore.Hmm,stubborn little fellow,isn’t he?
Pocahontas:Very stubborn.
(Meeko steals John’s compass.)
John Smith:Hey!
Pocahontas:Meeko!Come back here!
John Smith:Don’t worry,he can’t hurt it.(Meeko hits it against a rock.)Hey,what are you doing?!
Pocahontas:Meeko bring that back!
(Meeko climbs up a tree.)
John Smith:No,no,it’s all right.He can keep it.Call it a gift.
Pocahontas:What was that?
John Smith:My compass.
John Smith:It tells you how to find your way when you get lost.But it’s all right.I’ll get another one in London.
Pocahontas:London?Is that your village?
John Smith:Yes,it’s a very big village.
Pocahontas:What’s it like?
John Smith:Well,it’s got streets filled with carriages and bridges over the rivers and buildings as tall as trees.
Pocahontas:I’d like to see those things.
John Smith:You will.
Scene III
John Smith:We’re going to build them here.We’ll show your people how to use this land properly.How to make the most of it.
Pocahontas:Make the most of it?
John Smith:Yes,we’ll build roads and decent houses and…
Pocahontas:Our houses are fine.
John Smith:You think that,only because you don’t know any better.(Pocahontas starts to leave.)Wait a minute,don’t take it that -(Flit attacks him.)Hey,hey,wait!Wait,wait!There’s so much we can teach you.We’ve improved the lives of savages all over the world.
John Smith:Uh,not that you’re a savage.
Pocahontas:Just my people.
John Smith:No,listen,that’s not what I meant.Let me explain…
Pocahontas:Let go!
John Smith:No,I’m not letting you leave.Look,don’t do this.“Savage”is just a word.You know.A term for…people who are uncivilized.
Pocahontas:Like me.
John Smith:Well,when I say uncivilized,what I mean is…is…
Pocahontas:What you mean is,not like you.
You think I’m an ignorant savage.
And you’ve been to many places,I guess it must be so…
But still I cannot see.
If the savage one is me.
How can there be so much that you don’t know?
You don’t know.
You think you own whatever land you land on.
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim.
But I know every rock and tree and creature.
Has a life,has a spirit,has a name.
You think the only people who are people.
Are the people who look and think like you.
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger.
You’ll learn things you never knew you never knew.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue-corn moon?
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest.
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth.
Come roll in all the riches all around you.
And for once,never wonder what they’re worth.
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers.
The heron and the otter are my friends.
And we are all connected to each other.
In a circle,in a hoop that never ends.
How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down,then you’ll never know.
And you’ll never hear the wolf cry to the blue-corn moon.
For whether we are white or copper-skinned.
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain.
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind.
You can own the earth and still.
All you’ll own is earth until.
You can paint with all the colors of the wind.
John Smith:What is it?
Pocahontas:The drums.They mean trouble.I shouldn’t be here.
John Smith:I want to see you again.
Pocahontas:I can’t.
John Smith:Please,don’t leave.
Pocahontas:I’m sorry.I have to go.
New words and expressions for the mini drama
1.exterior n. (电影等的)外景
2.stalk v. 偷偷靠近
3.Meeko n. 浣熊
4.bobcat n. 山猫
5.heron n. 苍鹭
6.otter n. 水獭
7.sycamore n. 大枫树