Sum up
Using imagination
What’s your Prince Charming/Mr Right like?
What’s your ideal house?
What do you think of your ideal job?
To become a millionaire in my thirties is my wildest dream.
If only I had 50,000 yuan next month!
Tall,handsome.Coming to me on a horse,like a real warrior.
A big house with a big garden in the front yard and a huge swimming pool sitting behind.
Beneficial for mental and physical health.
Come on.Stop day dreaming.
Your dream ought to be practical.
Using exaggeration
Your work is fabulously excellent.
I’m already up to my neck with my homework.
I’m bored to death.
She has that everlasting rotation of tongue that an echo must wait till she dies before it can catch her last word.
My high-heeled shoes are killing me.
Over my dead body.
I won’t marry you even if you are the last man in the world.