单词4 项测验题 Questions
( ) 01. (A) 机械
(B) 障碍物
(C) 国籍
(D) 慈悲
( ) 02. (A) 机械工
(B) 值得纪念的
(C) 纪念的
(D) 出众的
( ) 03. (A) 成熟期
(B) 梦魇
(C) 废话
(D) 职业
( ) 04. (A) 制造商
(B) 凶手
(C) 信差
(D) 有机的
( ) 05. (A) 多样的
(B) 边缘
(C) 口头的
(D) 相互的
( ) 06. (A) 小胡子
(B) 协商
(C) 乐团
(D) 椭圆的
( ) 07. (A) 泥泞的
(B) 贫穷的
(C) 凌乱的
(D) 令人不快的
( ) 08. (A) 再者
(B) 主要地
(C) 然而
(D) 否则
( ) 09. (A) 即
(B) 部门
(C) 谦虚
(D) 氧气
( ) 10. (A) 去年冬天很暖和。
(B) 巴厘岛的气温大部分都很适中。
(C) 他们在海边享受微风。
(D) 比起浓茶,我较喜欢淡茶。
( ) 11. (A) 她提出了一个并不过分的要求。
(B) 他的谦逊赢得了大家的心。
(C) 今晚我穿了一件朴素的晚礼服。
(D) 他以客气的话语表达了他的愤怒。
( ) 12. (A) 他无礼的问题冒犯了女演员。
(B) 你脏乱的房间让人看了很不舒服。
(C) 我并非故意那么做来冒犯你。
(D) 他的自大让我们很反感。
( ) 13. (A) 机器做的产品比起手工做的产品要便宜。
(B) 格雷戈里显然是我们城里最棒的技工。
(C) 一遇到机械方面的问题,我就会找格雷格。
(D) 自动铅笔之所以方便,是因为不用削。
( ) 14. (A) 约翰和老板协商薪资问题。
(B) 约翰得到银行的一笔贷款。
(C) 约翰勉强通过了考试。
(D) 约翰总是玩忽职守。
( ) 15. (A) 我强烈反对你的提议。
(B) 我反对兴建另一座核电厂。
(C) 我必须克服那些妨碍我的事。
(D) 对我父母而言,我从来不是个顺从听话的孩子。
01. Do you usually wear makeup when you go out? Why? (no / seldom / putting on / time-consuming)
02. Is there any memorable day for you? What is it? (yes / first met / boyfriend)
03. Have you ever had a nightmare? What was it about? (yes / fail / college entrance exam)
Nowadays there seems to be misfortune and trouble everywhere. We live in a world like a roller coaster ride(云霄飞车). Prices are up, stock markets are down, water and electricity expenses are up and the value of the money in our wallets is down. Although we know our lives are not as miserable as many other people's in the world, sometimes we just can't find the motivation to be happy.
The money issue is one of people's biggest nightmares. In our daily conversations, words such as bankruptcy, unemployment(失业)and depression are used so frequently which may mislead us to believe that money is the only way to obtain happiness. Can happiness come free? Is there any way that we can lift our happy level to maximum without paying?
The first thing to do to regain happiness is to shift our focus from the obstacles to the opportunities. There are lots of ways to bring joy, happiness and laughter into our lives. Moreover, we tend to put misfortune under the microscope and neglect the little joy that can add up to be priceless. If you make a list of the happiest and most memorable monts in your life, your list will probably be filled with the times you shared with the ones you love, smiles from the buses or the strangers' mercy(仁慈).
Doing something good can also bring you happiness. A smile has a magnetic(磁性的) force, which means if you smile at someone, mostly, the smile will be returned. Participating in volunteering work will also bring you happiness. By offering what you have, your heart will be full of satisfactions. Furthermore, don't overlook the power of accepting compliments. Yes, it's good to be modest, but you don't have to react to a compliment negatively. Start to like yourself and be thankful when people give you a compliment. Finally, giving compliments to people occasionally is also a good way to attract joy. Recognize other people's merit and celebrate with them.
There are many ways to attain happiness, but only one person can make you happy, namely YOU.
01. According to this article, why is our life like a roller coaster ride?
02. How do words such as bankruptcy, unemployment and depression affect us?
03. According to this article, what is the first thing to do to regain happiness?
05. According to this article, who is the only person that can make you happy?