“Saw any hot chicks?”(看上好看的妞了吗?)
“Oh? Really? Hooker or a real deal.”(真的?妓.女还是真的?)
“Real deal.”(真的。)
“Chinese or foreigner?”(中国人还是老外。)
“A foreigner.“(老外。)
“OK. That's quick.”(有点快。)
“Making any moves?”(要去追求吗?)
“I need your advice.”(我要你的建议。)
“Which part?”(哪方面?)
“Should I go for it or not?”(要不要追人家?)
“you are going back aren't you?”(你不是要回去吗?)
“Do you have her contact information?”(你有她的联系方式吗?)
“Ok, I will reach out to her to ask for her opinion.“(我会问问她她的想法。)
“Hi, I am a friend of Ryan. I am going to communicate some of his thoughts to you so you can give feedback before hand so none of us will be awkward.“(你好,我是Ryan的朋友,我会和你沟通他的想法和情况,这样大家都不会尴尬。)
过了一会儿,那个女孩回复了,“Hi, nice to meet you. Thanks for being so thoughtful.”(你好,很高兴认识你,谢谢。)
“Ryan is gonna go back to the states soon. He is curious if you would go on a date with him.“(Ryan很快就要回美国了,他很好奇你会不会和他出去约会?)
过了一会儿那个女孩回复了,“Does he know that you are doing this?”(他知道你在干这件事吗?)
“More or less yes.“(大概知道。)
“Can I be honest with you?”(我能对你不撒谎吗?)
“Yeah, that is what I am here for.”(我就干这事的)
“Ok, to be fair, I am not at all interested in him.“(我对他兴趣不大。)
“Ok, cool thanks.“(谢谢,再见。)
正当袁子杰准备删掉联系人的时候,“Aren't you not interested in me?”(你对我不感兴趣吗?)对面发过来信息。
“But I am interested in you.”(我对你很感兴趣。)
“Oh really? I am Asian, I am a cook, and I am antisocial.“(是吗?我是亚洲人,我是个做菜的,我不喜欢交流。)
“I already know that.“(我已经知道了。)
“???,Then what?“(然后呢?)袁子杰回复到。
“He talked about you.”(他和我聊起你。)
“Ok, got to go.”(再见)
袁子杰看向了Ryan,“She's not interested in you.”(他对你没兴趣。)
这时候,一个高挑的白人女子走到了他们跟前。小麦色的皮肤和金黄的头发,一股富家女的味道。“It's her.”(是她)Ryan小声的嘀咕了一句。
“Hi Ryan, Hi Alex.“这个女孩开口了。
“Hi Anna.“Ryan先开口回答道。
“Oh, that's your type.”袁子杰若有其事的说到。
“Shut up“Ryan回答道。
“I will leave the stage to you. See if you can make any progress.”(把舞台交给你,看看有什么进展。)说完袁子杰开溜。