I have not yet met my ideal husband,though I know several young men in whom I like to think I have found some or other qualification[1] of a good husband.An ideal husband is perhaps as hard to find as an ideal teacher,an ideal guide to English composition,[2] or an ideal snapshot camera.[3]
The first requirement of my ideal husband is that he should treat his wife as a personality,not as a thing.He would love me as he loves his parents and brothers and sisters rather than[4] as he loves his stick,his gramophone,[5] his favourite book,or his evening read.[6]It sounds[7] laughably absurd that a husband should ever treat his wife as if [8] she were his stick(I do not exactly mean when he walks with her),his gramophone,his favourite book,or his evening read.Yet it is nevertheless true that husbands often look upon their wives as[9]things,to be liked and loved.I have heard a young man say that he cannot conveniently afford to have so great a luxury[10] as a wife.Personally I would not glory[11]in being considered a luxury,nor would I ever think of making a luxury of myself.
Being passionately fond of English literature,I would sooner remain single[12] for life than[13] have a husband who does not have the same taste as I.My ideal husband would read to me[14]and enjoy being read to by me.He would talk with me about sixteenth-century English writers as interestingly[15] and as interestedly[16] as so many couples[17]in Shanghai talk about American film stars.[18]
I do not have much to say besides[19] the above-mentioned two requirements.I have simply to add that my ideal husband would also possess the ordinary qualifications of a good young man.He would be honest,energetic,and trustworthy.He would take good care of his health and his conduct.[20] He would use his money wisely.He would forbear[21] borrowing or begging or stealing.He would not under any circumstances[22] commit a murder.[23]
As I have said,I have not yet met my ideal husband.I am yet to wait and see.[24]
[1]some or other qualification:某种资格
[2]guide to English composition:英文作文指南
[3]snapshot camera:快照相机
[4]rather than:而非
[8]as if:好像
[9]look upon...as...:视……如……
[13]would sooner...than...:宁愿……而不愿……
[14]read to me:读书给我听
[18]film stars:电影明星
[22]would not under any circumstances:无论如何决不
[23]commit a murder:杀人
[24]wait and see:静待