气态 gaseous state
固态 solid state
理想气体状态方程 the ideal gas equation
道尔顿分压定律 Dalton’s law of partial pressures
真实气体 real gases
临界温度 critical temperature
临界体积 critical volume
蒸发 evaporation
饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure
升华 sublimition
沸点 boiling point
沸点上升 boiling point elevation
凝固点降低 freezing point depression
半透膜 semi-permeable membrane
渗透压 osmotic pressure
渗透浓度 osmolarity
高渗溶液 hypertonic solution
溶血 hemolysis
晶体渗透压 crystal osmotic pressure
液态 liquid state
等离子态 plasma state
分压 partial pressures
摩尔分数 mole fraction
血栓 thrombus
临界压强 critical pressure
依数性 collgiative properties
凝结 condensation
蒸气压 vapor pressure
蒸气压下降 vapor pressure lowering
正常沸点 normal boiling point
凝固点 freezing point
扩散 diffuse
渗透 osmosis
反渗透 reverse osmosis
等渗溶液 isotonic solution
低渗溶液 hypotonic solution
栓塞 embolism
胶体渗透压 colloidal osmotic pressure