白仲林 杨璐 缪言[2]
关键词:央行沟通 货币政策 LDA模型
中图分类号:F830.3 文献标识码:A
Is the Central Bank Communication Efficient?
—A Computational Linguistics Approach
Bai Zhonglin Yang Lu Miao Yan
Abstract:In this paper,we measure the economic state index and forward guidance index from central bank's communication using tools from computational linguistics,then we employ these measures within FAVAR model to explore their macroeconomic effects.It is found that:These two indexes can capture the adjustment of interest rate instantly;An increase statement of “expansionary” economic state has a short-term output effect;The forward guidance index has no significant effect on future interest rate;Contractionary forward guidance index has no effect on slowing economic growth;Views of economic “expansion” have potential effect of significantly “cooling-down” a tight monetary policy in short run.
Keywords:Central Bank Communication Monetary Policy LDA Model