What’s in this book for you?
Love ’Em is universal.
The suggestions throughout the book should work as well in India as they do in Idaho, with appropriate customization for cultural, language, or individual differences.
Love ’Em is timeless.
The love ’em approach works as well in 2020 (we plan to be around!) as in 1999 (first edition).
Love ’Em is timely.
For the fifth edition, we’ve updated the stories, statistics, and workplace views so that they are relevant for you as a manager now.
Updated content for you:
• Practical to-do lists
• Multiple business examples about what worked to engage and retain talent around the globe
• Real-life “alas” stories about losing solid performers
New for you:
• More stats, stories, and cultural references from global contributors
• A ponderable at the beginning of every chapter, to introduce key themes and to spark your thinking
• A “Calling All Managers of Managers” section in the back matter, to highlight what leaders can do to strengthen the engagement/retention skills of the managers who report to them
We’ve kept the navigation tools in the book that you find helpful:
• Helpful “go to” icons linking to more ideas about what interests you most
• A retention/engagement index (REI) to guide your learning (moved to the beginning of the book so you won’t miss it!)