How to Read This Book
Over the course of this book, we embrace the metaphor of a growing tree. From the visual on the cover to the images that are interspersed throughout, you will find the unfolding tree—from seed to seedling to mature tree. We believe it to be an apt metaphor for the unfolding and the development of the very best teachers.
A tree begins its development by shedding the husk that surrounds the living seed. As the husk is shed, the tree begins to grow in two directions simultaneously: upward to produce a seedling and downward to produce a strong and widespread root system. Roots serve several important functions for the growth of the tree, including stabilizing and anchoring it to withstand weather of all kinds and nourishing it with water and other nutrients in the soil. It is also interesting that roots do not grow haphazardly; they constantly grow toward higher concentrations of the water and the nutrients that the tree needs to grow.
Above the ground the tree grows many branches that reach toward the sky. Branches support leaves that produce the energy the tree needs to survive. Each branch is autonomous: if it fails or breaks, other branches can still grow and thrive. Great teachers grow in similar ways. They experiment, they extend themselves, and they find new ways to nourish themselves; realizing that not all ideas are viable but with many new ideas percolating, teachers can continue to develop themselves and their students in a dance of continuous learning.
Throughout the book we also include the following symbols that use the tree metaphor to highlight the different elements to which we want to draw your attention:
The sprouting acorn icon identifies an overview of the content of the current chapter.
The roots icon provides the research foundation behind the ideas being shared.
The leaf icon calls attention to practical teaching tips from the teacher who is profiled in each chapter.
The acorn icon indicates the idea of planting seeds. We offer questions to help you more deeply reflect on the key points in each chapter as it relates to your own teaching practice.
Finally, the tree icon indicates a call to action, where you can get ideas to grow your practice.
Each chapter is built around the story of one extraordinary teacher and how he or she has developed (through successes and failures) to have a positive impact on students. We identify powerful practices that serve to accelerate and deepen the learning of students as well as the teacher. Through the inspiration of these extraordinary models, we share a message that makes it possible for all teachers to start their own journey toward excellence.
The book is built around something we call the BFK•Connect Framework (see inside front cover for a color illustration), a model that establishes four core dimensions of educator effectiveness. Later chapters examine how powerful transformation comes from transcending the individual aspects of each of the four dimensions to build higher-level capacities, including co-creation with students, empowerment, and transformational leadership in the classroom.