第2小时 语感培养与润色
雅思口语考试中的常见问题“How often...? ”或“What do you usually do...? ”会问及做某件事的次数和频率。那么在回答时,我们需要对这件事情发生的频率做出表述。具体问题如:
What do you usually do in the evening?
How do you usually relax?
Do you watch TV every day?
When do you usually use computers?
本节我们就来学习一下关于频率的一些高分表达。我们所熟知的表示频率的包括always, almost always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly ever, almost never, never等。但是除了这些相对简单的词或词组之外,还有其他的词也可以起到相同的作用并帮助我们取得高分:

once in a while 表示“偶尔,有时”,表示频率较低,同义替换可使用not often。
【原创范例】 谈论压力
Overtime work, bad interpersonal relationship, and dissatisfactory organizational culture are all sources of stress at work. Employees easily become irritated and even feel depressed once in a while.
occasionally 表示“偶尔地”,相当于rarely,表示频率较低。
【原创范例】 谈论酒店
I only live in hotel occasionally,mostly for business reasons.Hotels are comparatively expensive, although service is usually nice and food is delicious.
now and then 表示“时而,不时”。
【原创范例】 谈论人物
My father is a person to whom I can turn for help. Everyone needs a pat on the back now and then,and my father's always there when I need it.
as usual 表示“像往常一样,照例”,表示一件事反复发生。这样的词组通常出现在句首或是句尾。
【原创范例】 谈论科技
Despite all the time-saving devices available to families, people are still juggling work and family as usual.
as a rule 说到经常做某事,我们第一个想到的大概就是要用usually,其实我们还有一个选择:as a rule。
【原创范例】 谈论日常生活
As a rule,I help my mother with the household chores after class.
consistently 如果要说明一件事情持续不断地发生,我们可以选用consistently来表示“一贯地”。
【原创范例】 谈论人物
My sister is really talented.She consistently gets superior results in exams.
frequently 当描述某件事情发生的频率非常高的时候,我们可以选用frequently表示“经常地,频繁地”。
【原创范例】 谈论家庭
Chinese families and communities are closely-knitted.People frequently visit their relatives to catch up with each other's lives.
more often than not 表示“往往,多半”。
【原创范例】 谈论交通
More often than not commuters get caught in traffic jams on their way to work.
What's your long-term plan?
Which country are you going to?
Why did you pick this university?
If you have a choice between working for a company and setting up your own company, which one would you choose?
在口语表达中,一个很多考生都会遇到的问题就是所用的单词过于简单,或者说是同一单词的重复使用。“决定”就是其中一个典型。很多学生在表示决定时都喜欢用decide,或用将来时态:be going to do sth.和will等。

determine 是一个动词,考生们通常的用法是determine to do something,这种用法其实并不是非常准确。在Native Speakers的语言世界里,这个词主要用于被动语态,比如be determined to do something,表示语气非常强烈、坚决。同时,determine后面也可直接跟宾语。
【原创范例】 谈论未来打算、计划
I am determined to further my study abroad.
How do you determine which major to pick?
make up one's mind 的意思是“决定做某事”,这个词组通常是指在两个或多个选择中做出一个决定。
【原创范例】 谈论活动
I have made up my mind to play basketball this Saturday.
【原创范例】 谈论学习
Tom has made up his mind to study at home and prepare for the exam coming up next week.
set one's mind on 表示“已经决定了要做某事”,往往用于多选一。比如,“我现在有大把的时间,决定学习厨艺”(“我”可能有很多的选择,比如学弹钢琴、学绘画等)。
【原创范例】 谈论爱好
I have set my mind on learning how to cook this holiday.
【原创范例】 谈论计划
She sets her mind on going to study in France.
set 的意思非常广泛,比如说“Are you all set? ”(你们都准备好了吗?),这里set表示“决定”,这个词的用法通常是set to do something。
【原创范例】 谈论计划
She sets to return to China after finishing her study in the UK.
【原创范例】 谈论人物
John sets to ask her out again after she rejected him lasttime.
hesitate/waver 当然,很多时候也不一定非要用肯定的语气来表达意思。双重否定所表达出来的语气往往更加强烈。比如,hesitate和waver都表示“犹豫不决”,所以在前面加上一个not,就成了“毫不犹豫”的意思。
【原创范例】 谈论考试
I will not hesitate to take the IELTS exam again.
【原创范例】 谈论未来计划
She will not waver in her plan to learn another language.
establish 对这个词大家更熟悉的是“建立”的意思,比如说establish a system。但在这里,establish表示的更多的是“确立了,确信了,肯定了”的意思。
【原创范例】 谈论运动
Messi is truly in superb form today.I think we have established who the top footballer in the world is now.
put one's foot down 这个词组的意思是“决定做某事”或者对什么事情的态度非常坚决。这个词组的语气可以说是本小节提到的词中语气最强烈的了。所以,提醒各位考生在用这个词的时候要非常小心。
【原创范例】 谈论食物
(Parents warn obese children)If I ever caught you sneaking a bite in the kitchen without my permission,eh huh,you'd be grounded.I put my foot down.
shot 常见的意思是“射击”,但在口语中也有很多别的用法。比如call shots可用来形容“一个人说了算”。
【原创范例】 谈论工作
I call the shots at work.
【原创范例】 谈论婚姻
Women were always trying to call the shots in dealing with family affairs.
conclude 是“概括,得出结论”的意思。这个词各位考生应该非常熟悉了。
【原创范例】 谈论计划
We have reached the conclusion that we are going to spend the holiday in Paris.
resolute 是形容词,表示“坚决的,不犹豫的”。
【原创范例】 谈论教育
The government is resolute to revamp the current educational system.
雅思口语考试考查的就是你的英语口语能力,当然也会针对日常的学习能力、技能、专业能力等话题进行讨论。这些问题不是为了考查英语以外的能力,而是通过谈论日常的爱好、技能、专业等,考查你对“能力”话题的表述水平和逻辑思维。这样的问题在口语考试Part 1中出现的频率最高。比如:
Can you swim?
Can you speak another foreign language besides English?
What are the artistic skills you have?
How should the government cope with pollution problems in China?

capable 意思相当于able,区别在于able的用法是be able to do sth.,而capable的用法是be capable of doing sth.。
【原创范例】 谈论人物
You are more than capable of what you give yourself credit for.
【原创范例】 谈论人物
She is capable of juggling two things with one hand.
adept 表示“在某方面的技能非常突出,非常擅长某技能”。
【原创范例】 谈论活动
She is particularly adept in handicrafts.
【原创范例】 谈论人物
He is adept at making a good first impression.
apt 是形容词,它的意思是“非常聪明,尤其指学习某样东西非常快。”【原创范例】 谈论学习
She's an apt learner.
【原创范例】 谈论学习
Everyone loves to work with apt colleagues.
deft 这个词也经常用来表示类似于“能力”的意思,但是它更多用来表示“手非常灵巧,灵活”,同义词有nimble, agile等。
【原创范例】 谈论个人爱好
She is deftat origami,i.e.folding paper into all kinds of shapes.
expert 有“专家”的意思,也表示“在某方面能力非常强或很专业”。
【原创范例】 谈论电脑
She is an expert in computer hardware.
【原创范例】 谈论男女关系
John is an expert in picking up girls.
master 可以有两种意思,一个是作名词,表示“某方面的大师”;另一个是作动词,表示“掌握(某种技能)”。
【原创范例】 谈论考试
I have already mastered the skills of IELTS speaking.
【原创范例】 谈论爱好
Criss Angel is a master of magic.
proficient 是形容词,表示“在某方面技能非常的精湛”。
【原创范例】 谈论语言学习
He is proficient in speaking and writing English.
【原创范例】 谈论人物
He is a proficient swimmer.
talented 意思是“在某方面非常有天分”,大家应该非常熟悉了。
【原创范例】 谈论电影
Russell Crowe is a talented actor.
train 作动词时它的意思是“培训,训练”。这个词还有一种比较常用的但是广大考生可能并不熟悉的被动语态用法,表示某个人在某方面接受过培训,意思就是“非常专业”。
【原创范例】 谈论军事
The soldiers are trained to fight the battle.
【原创范例】 谈论工作
She was trained to give a motivational speech.
capacity 是名词,表示“能力,承受力,承载力”的意思。
【原创范例】 谈论健身
Tony has the capacity to lift100kg weights.
genius 意思是“天才,在某方面很有天赋的人”,比talented的语气还要重得多。
【原创范例】 谈论学习
She's a genius in mathematics.
【原创范例】 谈论想法
Only a genius could come up with such a brilliant idea.
skilled 意思是“在某方面非常专业,技能非常强”。
【原创范例】 谈论艺术
She is a highly skilled artist.
【原创范例】 谈论工作
Skilled architects are in critical shortage nowadays.
2.Part 2高分范文
之前我们学习了在雅思口语考试Part 1中【学习类】【工作类】话题的答题技巧和思路。接下来我们将通过对口语考试Part 2中【学习类】【工作类】话题的高分范文的分析,来学习相关的高分表达和逻辑思维。
Describe a perfect job that you would like to have in the future.
You should say:
what the job would be
what you would do in that job
how you can get the job
and explain why you would like to do that job.
Sample Answer:
Right, I like to start the ball rolling by talking about the ideal job I'd like to have in the not too distant future and if I have the chance, I want to become a principal of a prestigious school or manager of a successful training centre. I guess the biggest reason why I want to become a head-master or in some countries, the head-teacher, is that I'm really passionate about teaching and passing on my expertise to the next generation. Besides, I don't just want to educate students. I wanna train the best teachers possible and create an amazing learning environment for everyone.
So, you might be wondering how come I set my sights on this crazy idea in the first place. It didn't occur to me until I first became a teacher a couple of years ago. Yes, I was teaching a bunch of amazing students. I was enjoying my job but after a couple of months, I was really frustrated with the working conditions. I was working my neck off day in and day out as I had to work late into the night to finish off marking copious amounts of homework. I was working unsociable hours which meant I couldn't hang out with my friends and spend time with my family. I felt so negative that I actually spoke to the principal directly about it, but guess what? He just dismissed my complaint by telling me to suck it up coz he said it is part of being a teacher.
If I'm lucky enough to fulfill my dream of becoming a principal, I will definitely restrain myself from saying things like that to my teachers as it really damages their ego. Furthermore, as their head-teacher, I'll organise proper training programs and offer generous incentive schemes, so that my teachers will feel like if they work hard, they will be rewarded. Finally, because of the power accompanying the role of the head master, I can actually sculpt and manage every teacher's career path so that they can become great teachers in the future.
ideal job 理想的工作
not too distant future 不久的将来
prestigious 受尊敬的,有声望的
passionate 热情的
expertise 专业知识
next generation 下一代
wonder 惊奇,怀疑
frustrated 失意的,挫败的
day in, day out 每日每夜
late into the night 直到深夜
suck it up 强制接受
generous incentive scheme 丰富的奖学金计划
accompany 陪伴,伴随
sculpt and manage 创造并把控
career path 职业道路
这是一个有两层含义的问题,所以必须找出其中两个关键词组“perfect job”和“in the future”。注意时态是将来式。作者通过使用多种准确的连接词以及引导性词汇,使得整体的答案具有连贯性。范文中多次出现复杂句、同义替换以及口语性的表达,且使用恰当,因此能获得高分。
Describe someone who helped you to study/ work.
You should say:
who this person is
what this person did
how this person helped you
and explain how you felt after this person helped you.
Sample Answer:
Well, I'd like to talk about one of my classmates who gave me a hand recently and I really appreciate what she has done for me.
Here is the thing. About 3 weeks ago, I received a request for job interview from my dream company, which is BMW by the way. Since I was dying to be a PR assistant there and it would kill me if I didn't make it. I begged Lily, one of my classmates, to simulate the interview routine with me in advance, you know, just making sure everything would go smoothly on that day. And she played the interviewer, bombarding me with related questions as many as possible. While as an interviewee, all I need to do was trying to answer the questions as poised as possible. Lily was really responsible. She not only helped me get familiar with the whole routine, but also reminded me to maintain eye contact with the interviewer throughout face-to-face communications. She went through it with me time and time again until I memorised everything in my heart. Before the real interview began, she even called me to relax. Eventually, thanks to her help, I nailed it.
As for how I felt about it, well, I definitely felt grateful for everything that Lily has done to me. I mean, I am not sure if I could get my ideal job without her help. No amount of gratitude is enough to express my utmost thanks.
give me a hand 帮了我一把
appreciate 感激
make it 做到
bombard with 连续提出
poised 镇定的,泰然自若的
maintain eye contact with 保持眼神交流
nail it 完成了,搞定了
Describe a subject taught in your school.
you should say:
what subject it was and who taught it
how the teacher taught it
what you learned from the class
and explain how it helped you.
Sample Answer:
The subject that I'd like to describe is physics in high school. A new physics teacher was assigned to our class at the beginning of each new academic year. I can still remember Mr. Alex, Burter, John, David and Mrs. Jeniffer. I felt lucky to have good physics teachers who could make the subject interesting and enjoyable.
For each class, our teachers would begin the lesson by telling us stories first and then relating it to the theory, experiments or mathematical principles of the textbooks. Some real-world examples were offered by teachers in an attempt to make the knowledge more accessible. Sometimes they used to take us to the physics labs and explain how something works. I have learned numerous things of physics from simple definitions of mass to the complex explanation of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Thanks to these teachers, my physics grade improved dramatically.
The subject itself is utterly interesting if one can have a passion for it. It is one such subject that one would start loving it if he starts understanding the underlying concepts of it. Physics is all around us and the lesson I learned from my school had helped me greatly throughout my higher academic years.
describe 描述
numerous 很多的
complex 复杂的
utterly 完全地,彻底地
have a passion for 对……热爱
underlying 潜在的,根本的