创始人:托马斯·博柏利(Thomas Burberry)
The Burberry trench coat and perfume are more and more popular in the world. With a traditional design style of Britain, the Burberry has classical plaid and unique cloth and is very elegant.Besides the traditional clothes, the Burberry spreads its design style into other areas, draws the classical factors into them and launchs products like perfume, fur, headscarf, sweater, shoes and so on.
The brand was founded by 21-year-old dressmaker Thomas Burberry in 1856.
In 1910,celebrated aviator Claude Grahame-White wore Burberry gabardine. He was the first person to fly between London and Manchester in less than 24 hours.
In 1912,the Tielocken coat was patented, the predecessor to the trench coat. It proved popular among offcers during WWI.The coat closed with a single strap and buckle and only one button at the collar.
The Burberry Prorsum label was launched under creative director Roberto Menichetti. Images from the Burberry Spring/Summer 1998 Campaign featuring British model Neil Fenton, were styled by Carine Roitfeld and photographed by Mario Testino.
The Burberry Autumn/Winter 2004 Campaign featured British model Lily Donaldson, photographed by Mario Testino.
In 2005,Kate Moss was photographed by Mario Testino, wearing a limited edition pink Burberry trench coat. Christopher Bailey created the one-off piece to coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
In 2006,Burberry celebrated 150 years at the Autumn/Winter 2006 womenswear show in Milan.
In 2009,the new Burberry global headquarters opened at Horseferry House in London.
In the 21st century, Burberry quickens its expansive pace in the globe. That was to establish more unique style exclusive shops in some important cities, such as London, Los Angeles, Germany, Spain, Italy and Japan.Today Burberry, the brand of classical style of Britain is well known in the world.Just like a knight in armor, it is protecting the clothing culture of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
1856年,裁缝师托马斯·博柏利(Thomas Burberry)亲手创立了博柏利(Burberry)品牌,此时他21岁。
1910年,著名的飞行家克劳德·格雷厄姆·怀特(Claude Grahame-White)身穿Burberry华达呢外套。他是首位在24小时之内完成伦敦和曼彻斯特之间飞行的飞行员。
1998年,创意总监罗伯托·梅尼凯蒂推出“珀松”系列。Burberry 1998春夏广告大片,由英国超模尼尔·芬顿出镜演绎,卡琳·洛菲德(Carine Roitfeld)出任造型总监,并由著名摄影大师马里奥·特斯蒂诺(Mario Testino)掌镜拍摄。
Burberry 2004秋冬广告大片由英国超模莉莉·唐纳森(Lily Donaldson)出镜演绎,马里奥·特斯蒂诺(Mario Testino)掌镜拍摄。
2005年,凯特·摩丝(Kate Moss)穿着由克里斯托弗·贝利(Christopher Bouley)为全国乳腺癌宣传月而设计的限量版粉红色Trench风衣,由著名摄影大师马里奥·特斯蒂诺(Mario Testino)摄影。2006年,博柏利150周年庆典,在米兰举办了2006秋冬女装秀。