第6章 Abstract
Nation is Chinese Marxism literary criticism's core category, which is the important basic characteristic of its different from classic, Russian and western Marxism literary criticism. Under influence of classic and Russian Marxism literary criticism, in reference to western Marxism literary criticism, this paper mainly summarize, reflect and develop the formation, evolution and specific connotation of Chinese Marxism literary criticism, analyze essence and cultural logic of globalization, critically review of national view of post-colonial theory and contemporary foreign Marxism criticism, and re-construct new open nationalism from viewpoint of individual, tradition and subjective.
Classic writers made preliminary but not superficial comments on nationalism's essence, connotation, standpoint and relationship between class and internationalism. Nation-state is a modern historical phenomenon, which is not inherent and eternal, the human organization form adapt for capital production form after the disintegration of feudal system. Common language, shared history and tradition, and relatively fixed boundary are three kinds of traits which distinguish between nation-state and the other social communities. Classic Marx literary criticism took historical attitude. The national thoughts of classic Marxism literary criticism laid foundation for the other forms of Marxism literary criticism. Russian Marxism literary theory developed the classic, further emphasized the capital property of nationalism and nation-state, determined a first clear definition for nation, launched the slogan of national culture, considered that 'motherland' is an obsolete concept, and opposed to abandon the national problem of class analysis. Russian Marxism literary criticism sometimes fall in abstract dialectics that is contrary to historical materialism, failed to fully estimate the long-term nature and complexity of national problems, and resisted national literature as bourgeois factors. as nationalism is the power of thought and reality of the situation of the formation of Chinese Marxism literary criticism, nationality naturally became its observation dimensions and value appeal.
Being different from western Marxism criticism, from 'nationalism literature' critic to 'national form' debate, from Yan-an symposium speech to culture revolution, form new period to new century, 'open nationalism' is Chinese Marxism literary criticism's consistent position, viewpoint and standard. The connotation of open nationalism of Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form was discussed roughly successively in the proposition of nationality and class nature, nationality and universality, and nationality and modernity. On the relationship of nation and class, Chinese Marxism literature criticism considered that nation is temporary performance of class, The relationship between national and class are the unity of opposites, in the class period, national literature inevitably has class nature, but not only or whole class nature. Literature nationality does not negate its class nature, and vice versa. There is not only the side of contradiction, also has a unified face between national and class, embodied in that, different classes have the same nationality, nation and class can be expressed by conversed for each other's discourse, and nation and proletarian unity to the people. On the relationship of nation and world, nation is an unity of individual and common related compounds. The relationship between nationality and university is not only interdependent but also unity and opposite. There isn't university without nationality, which exists in and be represented by nationality. Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form denied absolutely particular. On the relationship between nationality and modernity, not only national and also modern literature is the concrete aim of Chinese Marxism literary criticism. Chinese Marxism literary criticism stuck to dialectical unity of nationality and Modernity, nationality is reflexive modernity, which embodied in homogeneous relationship between nation-state and Chinese literature modernization, combined nation and individual, and critically Carried forward tradition. There are both faces that one is common with and different from the other. Modernity is diversity and pluralism, Chinese Marxism literary criticism can't follow slavishly western modernity, but present, discuss and develop our modernity proposition laid in Chinese socialism literature experience, demand that literature play national function.
Globalisation is the lateperiod of capital, which is not only simple expansion in physical space, but also profound penetration in logic texture. Globalisation is process which is false diversity but real standardization, homogenization under the cover of diversity, diversity itself is homogenized. Globalisation is not the end of the nation-state, but strengthens mutual dependence and contact between nations, adjust the function of nation-state. Post-colonial theory recognized nationalism as a powerful weapon to deconstruct colonial system, the homogenization relationship between nation-state and cultural construction, imperialism and nationalism. Deconstructed and displaced essentialism and dualism de-colonialism nationalism, emphasized nation's construction, hybrid and immaterial attribute, and indicated nationalism the direction of new humanitarian and socialism. however it's too much strong utopian in thought and right to defense for transnational capitalism in politic, that should bring to our attention. Contemporary foreign Marxism criticism both identity and hate nationalism, affirm that nationalism played a positive role in resistance to colonial rule, global fight against culture standardization etc. But it questioned nationalism latents racism and chauvinism, and is a distorting human organization form for socialism revolution and human liberation. Contemporary foreign Marxism criticism re-explained nation, mainly including Benidict Anderson's 'imagined community' discourse, Terry Eaglton and Aijaz Ahmad's 'unity of Individual and general' discourse and Fredric Jameson 'relationship between self and the other' discourse, etc. Although not entirely agreed with, but it exactly opens up a train for constructing open nationalism.
This paper develops and re-constructs Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form's open nationalism under the ground of globalisation from views of individual, tradition and its carrying forward, and subject. Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form should require individual strengthen national identity, under the present historical condition, nation-state is still main social relation and basic activity place of 'practical individual', guarantees individual right, develop and realization. As a kind of alienation of human organization, nation-state need be surpassed and sublated by insist not bypass. nation-state should recognize, concern and guarantee of the individual value, dignity, freedom, development and Realization right, which is not the ultimate form of human organization. Nation-state is the product of human activity and method of 'practical individual' towards free kingdom. Nation-state considers everyone's implementation as its implementation, And vice versa. Nation-state respect and guarantee individual's freedom, equality and realization right which is not abstractly and formally, but specifically and differently. The balance of nation-state and individual is not absolute and static, but is achieved by dynamic coordination.
As common tradition is the basic traits of nation, Marxism literary criticism of Chinese formshould comprehend tradition itself and how to inherit and carry forward it scientifically. Tradition is living past, active process and in future, which can't be defined only in the past, present and future single time dimension. 'Creation of transformation' may be workable way as inherit and carry forward tradition, that is not setting western modernity as its aim, but building new model. It should examine and distinguish tradition first, and tease its original and evolution meaning, then rationally critic and throw away it, and finally give it new meaning in the name of old tradition. Thus, tradition is not some burdensome, but running water of national culture creation.
Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form shouldestablish and adhere to national subject. On one hand, we can't entirely accept that post-modernists deconstruct subject and essence, on the other hand, can't stick to the essence of subject of modernity into two aspects of subjective and objective, a pure, intrinsic, absolute, super historical theory. Subject exists in inside and outside relationship with the other. The other is the base of national subjectivity. Essence is the cornerstone of the different national culture from each other, which is historical, concrete, by human social and historical practice, in shaping the decision. Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form respects cultural integration and innovation, to highlight the difference in creation history their own, and to promote its own historical development in the integration of the other
Key words:Marxism literary criticism of Chinese form;Nation-state;Globalization;Individual;Homogenization;Tradition;Subjectivity